The AMU Institute of Cultural Studies (Instytut Kulturoznawstwa UAM) warmly invites you to an open lecture given by Prof. Nikołaj Papucziew from Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” on „Kultura pisana – współczesna kultura oralna: recepcja literatury i rola mediów w epoce transformacji (1989-2000)”
[„Written culture – contemporary oral culture: the reception of literature and the role of the media in the era of transformation (1989-2000)”]
The event will be held on 17 April 2023 at 11:30 am in room I, building AB, Szamarzewskiego 89 in Poznań, Poland.
Therefore, if you are interested in written culture and are in Poznań at the time, you are more than welcome to come
Please note:
The language of the lecture shall be Bulgarian . Translation will be available
The event is part of the project 'PROJECT No BG05M2OP001-2.016-0019 Innovative education in humanitarian and social science through digital transformation’.