Nauki o kulturze i religii – lista czasopism punktowanych 2020

nauki o kulturze i religii

Lp. Unikatowy Identyfikator Czasopisma Tytuł 1 issn e-issn Tytuł 2 issn e-issn Punkty
405 405 ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY 0001-8392 1930-3815 Administrative Science Quarterly 0001-8392 200
839 839 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 0002-7316 2325-5064 American Antiquity 0002-7316 200
854 854 AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL 0002-8312 1935-1011 American Educational Research Journal 0002-8312 200
1330 1330 Anthropocene Review 2053-0196 2053-020X Anthropocene Review 2053-0196 2053-020X 200
1369 1369 ANTIPODE 0066-4812 1467-8330 Antipode 0066-4812 1467-8330 200
1372 1372 ANTIQUITY 0003-598X 1745-1744 Antiquity 0003-598X 200
1463 1463 APPLIED ENERGY 0306-2619 1872-9118 Applied Energy 0306-2619 200
1570 1570 Arabica 0570-5398 1570-0585 Arabica 0570-5398 200
1737 1737 Argumentation 0920-427X 1572-8374 Argumentation 0920-427X 200
1817 1817 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 0004-3702 1872-7921 Artificial Intelligence 0004-3702 200
2663 2663 BMJ Quality & Safety 2044-5415 2044-5423 BMJ Quality and Safety 2044-5415 200
2819 2819 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 0007-0882 1464-3537 British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 0007-0882 1464-3537 200
3018 3018 BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 0007-7704 1868-9027 Byzantinische Zeitschrift 0007-7704 200
3741 3741 CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY 0278-6656 Classical Antiquity 0278-6656 1067-8344 200
4075 4075 COMMUNICATION THEORY 1050-3293 1468-2885 Communication Theory 1050-3293 1468-2885 200
4146 4146 COMPARATIVE POLITICS 0010-4159 2151-6227 Comparative Politics 0010-4159 200
4259 4259 COMPUTERS & EDUCATION 0360-1315 1873-782X Computers and Education 0360-1315 200
4641 4641 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES 1474-4740 1477-0881 Cultural Geographies 1474-4740 1477-0881 200
5064 5065 Differences-A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1040-7391 1527-1986 Differences 1040-7391 200
6668 6669 FOLK MUSIC JOURNAL 0531-9684 Folk Music Journal 0531-9684 200
6699 6700 FOOD POLICY 0306-9192 1873-5657 Food Policy 0306-9192 200
6935 6936 FUTURE OF CHILDREN 1054-8289 1550-1558 Future of Children 1054-8289 1550-1558 200
6993 6994 GENDER & SOCIETY 0891-2432 1552-3977 Gender and Society 0891-2432 200
7408 7409 HAU-Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2575-1433 2049-1115 HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2049-1115 200
7648 7649 History and Anthropology 0275-7206 1477-2612 History and Anthropology 0275-7206 1477-2612 200
7663 7664 HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY 0308-7298 2150-7295 History of Photography 0308-7298 200
7668 7669 HISTORY OF RELIGIONS 0018-2710 1545-6935 History of Religions 0018-2710 200
8484 8485 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 0020-5850 1468-2346 International Affairs 0020-5850 1468-2346 200
9570 9571 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY 0020-8833 1468-2478 International Studies Quarterly 0020-8833 1468-2478 200
9575 9576 International Theory 1752-9719 1752-9727 International Theory: A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy 1752-9719 200
9585 9586 Internet and Higher Education 1096-7516 1873-5525 Internet and Higher Education 1096-7516 200
9758 9759 Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 200
9985 9987 Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 1753-6421 1753-643X 200
10037 10039 Journal of African Cultural Studies 1369-6815 1469-9346 Journal of African Cultural Studies 1369-6815 200
10569 10571 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 0021-9916 1460-2466 Journal of Communication 0021-9916 1460-2466 200
10633 10635 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1083-6101 1083-6101 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1083-6101 200
10657 10659 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH 0093-5301 1537-5277 Journal of Consumer Research 0093-5301 1537-5277 200
10873 10875 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION POLICY 0268-0939 1464-5106 Journal of Education Policy 0268-0939 1464-5106 200
11025 11027 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 1350-1763 1466-4429 Journal of European Public Policy 1350-1763 1466-4429 200
11251 11253 Journal of Global History 1740-0228 1740-0236 Journal of Global History 1740-0228 1740-0236 200
11305 11307 JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES 0075-4269 2041-4099 Journal of Hellenic Studies 0075-4269 200
11892 11894 JOURNAL OF MODERN HISTORY 0022-2801 1537-5358 Journal of Modern History 0022-2801 1537-5358 200
12190 12192 JOURNAL OF PEASANT STUDIES 0306-6150 1743-9361 Journal of Peasant Studies 0306-6150 200
12503 12505 JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH 0022-4197 1573-6571 Journal of Religion and Health 0022-4197 1573-6571 200
12567 12569 JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES 0075-4358 1753-528X Journal of Roman Studies 0075-4358 200
12642 12644 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ARCHAEOLOGY 1469-6053 1741-2951 Journal of Social Archaeology 1469-6053 200
12662 12664 JOURNAL OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS 1360-6441 1467-9841 Journal of Sociolinguistics 1360-6441 200
12738 12740 Journal of Studies in International Education 1028-3153 1552-7808 Journal of Studies in International Education 1028-3153 200
12806 12808 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION 0002-7189 1477-4585 Journal of the American Academy of Religion 0002-7189 200
12827 12829 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY 0003-0139 1547-3848 Journal of the American Musicological Society 0003-0139 200
12881 12883 Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 0022-4995 1568-5209 Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 0022-4995 200
12995 12997 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL MUSICAL ASSOCIATION 0269-0403 1471-6933 Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 200
13094 13096 Journal of Travel Research 0047-2875 1552-6763 Journal of Travel Research 0047-2875 200
13437 13439 LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING 0169-2046 1872-6062 Landscape and Urban Planning 0169-2046 200
13451 13453 Language Acquisition 1048-9223 1532-7817 Language Acquisition 1048-9223 1532-7817 200
13469 13471 LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY 0047-4045 1469-8013 Language in Society 0047-4045 1469-8013 200
13484 13486 Language Variation and Change 0954-3945 1469-8021 Language Variation and Change 0954-3945 200
13547 13549 LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY 1048-9843 1873-3409 Leadership Quarterly 1048-9843 200
14494 14496 MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL 0026-7902 1540-4781 Modern Language Journal 0026-7902 200
14683 14685 MUSIC THEORY SPECTRUM 0195-6167 1533-8339 Music Theory Spectrum 0195-6167 1533-8339 200
14704 14706 Muzeologia a Kulturne Dedicstvo-Museology and Cultural Heritage 1339-2204 2453-9759 Muzeologia a Kulturne Dedicstvo 1339-2204 2453-9759 200
14776 14778 National Science Review 2095-5138 2053-714X National Science Review 2095-5138 2053-714X 200
14812 14814 Nature Communications 2041-1723 Nature Communications 2041-1723 200
15038 15040 NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY 1461-4448 1461-7315 New Media and Society 1461-4448 200
15752 15756 PARTY POLITICS 1354-0688 1460-3683 Party Politics 1354-0688 200
15756 15760 PAST & PRESENT 0031-2746 1477-464X Past and Present 0031-2746 200
16024 16028 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 0031-8248 1539-767X Philosophy of Science 0031-8248 200
16414 16418 POST-SOVIET AFFAIRS 1060-586X 1938-2855 Post-Soviet Affairs 1060-586X 200
16635 16639 Projections-The Journal for Movies and Mind 1934-9688 1934-9696 Projections (New York) 1934-9688 1934-9696 200
16775 16779 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 1941-1022 1943-1562 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 1941-1022 200
16829 16833 PUBLIC OPINION QUARTERLY 0033-362X 1537-5331 Public Opinion Quarterly 0033-362X 1537-5331 200
16932 16936 Quarterly Journal of Political Science 1554-0626 1554-0634 Quarterly Journal of Political Science 1554-0626 1554-0634 200
17115 17119 Regulation & Governance 1748-5983 1748-5991 Regulation and Governance 1748-5983 1748-5991 200
17138 17142 RELIGION 0048-721X 1096-1151 Religion 0048-721X 1096-1151 200
17168 17172 RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY 0034-4338 1935-0236 Renaissance quarterly 0034-4338 200
17178 17182 RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 1364-0321 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 1364-0321 200
17245 17249 Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 0276-5624 1878-5654 200
17261 17265 RESEARCH POLICY 0048-7333 1873-7625 Research Policy 0048-7333 200
17330 17334 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 0034-6527 1467-937X Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527 1467-937X 200
17335 17339 REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 0034-6543 1935-1046 Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 200
17337 17341 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816 1750-6824 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816 200
17381 17385 Reviews in Aquaculture 1753-5123 1753-5131 Reviews in Aquaculture 1753-5123 200
18422 18426 SHAKESPEARE QUARTERLY 0037-3222 1538-3555 Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 200
18474 18478 Signs and Society 2326-4489 2326-4497 Signs and Society 2326-4489 2326-4497 200
18575 18579 SOCIAL NETWORKS 0378-8733 1879-2111 Social Networks 0378-8733 200
18654 18658 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION 1069-4404 1759-8818 Sociology of Religion 1069-4404 200
18838 18842 SPECULUM-A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL STUDIES 0038-7134 2040-8072 Speculum 0038-7134 200
19455 19459 THEORY AND SOCIETY 0304-2421 1573-7853 Theory and Society 0304-2421 1573-7853 200
19907 19911 Twentieth-Century Music 1478-5722 1478-5730 Twentieth-Century Music 1478-5722 1478-5730 200
19914 19918 Tydskrif vir letterkunde 0041-476X Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 0041-476X 200
20260 20264 WELT DER SLAVEN-HALBJAHRESSCHRIFT FUR SLAVISTIK 0043-2520 Welt der Slaven-Halbjahresschrift fur Slavistik 0043-2520 200
20267 20271 WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS 0140-2382 1743-9655 Western European Politics 0140-2382 200
20303 20307 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 0043-5597 1933-7698 William and Mary Quarterly 0043-5597 200
26188 26199 Revue de Qumran 0035-1725 200
38 38 ACADEMIC MEDICINE 1040-2446 1938-808X Academic Medicine 1040-2446 140
378 378 Adaptation-The Journal of Literature on Screen Studies 1755-0637 1755-0645 Adaptation 1755-0637 1755-0645 140
428 428 Advanced Healthcare Materials 2192-2640 2192-2659 Advanced healthcare materials 2192-2640 2192-2659 140
575 575 AFRICAN AFFAIRS 0001-9909 1468-2621 African Affairs 0001-9909 1468-2621 140
635 635 AGE AND AGEING 0002-0729 1468-2834 Age and Ageing 0002-0729 1468-2834 140
637 637 AGEING & SOCIETY 0144-686X 1469-1779 Ageing and Society 0144-686X 1469-1779 140
644 644 AGGRESSION AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR 1359-1789 1873-6335 Aggression and Violent Behavior 1359-1789 140
647 647 Aging and Disease 2152-5250 2152-5250 Aging and Disease 2152-5250 140
830 830 AMBIO 0044-7447 1654-7209 Ambio 0044-7447 140
855 855 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGIST 0094-0496 1548-1425 American Ethnologist 0094-0496 140
1013 1013 AMERICAN QUARTERLY 0003-0678 1080-6490 American quarterly 0003-0678 1080-6490 140
1102 1102 Anatolian Studies 0066-1546 2048-0849 Anatolian Studies 0066-1546 140
1296 1296 ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 0002-7162 1552-3349 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 0002-7162 140
1302 1302 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 0077-8923 1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 0077-8923 140
1310 1310 ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH 0160-7383 Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383 140
1510 1510 Applied Psychology-Health and Well Being 1758-0846 1758-0854 Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 1758-0846 1758-0854 140
1582 1582 Archaeological Prospection 1075-2196 1099-0763 Archaeological Prospection 1075-2196 1099-0763 140
1661 1661 ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD 0003-9888 1468-2044 Archives of Disease in Childhood 0003-9888 140
1747 1747 Aries-Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 1567-9896 1570-0593 Aries 1567-9896 1570-0593 140
1820 1820 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW 0269-2821 1573-7462 Artificial Intelligence Review 0269-2821 1573-7462 140
2053 2053 Augustinian Studies 0094-5323 2153-7917 Augustinian Studies 0094-5323 2153-7917 140
2221 2221 Azania-Archaeological Research in Africa 0067-270X 1945-5534 Azania 0067-270X 140
2454 2454 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY 0169-3867 1572-8404 Biology and Philosophy 0169-3867 1572-8404 140
2624 2624 BMC Medical Education 1472-6920 BMC Medical Education 1472-6920 140
2693 2693 Boletin de Literatura Oral 2173-0695 2173-0695 Boletin de Literatura Oral 2173-0695 140
2815 2815 BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL 0141-1926 1469-3518 British Educational Research Journal 0141-1926 1469-3518 140
2860 2860 British Journal of Religious Education 0141-6200 1740-7931 British Journal of Religious Education 0141-6200 1740-7931 140
2863 2863 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 0007-1315 1468-4446 British Journal of Sociology 0007-1315 1468-4446 140
2864 2864 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION 0142-5692 1465-3346 British Journal of Sociology of Education 0142-5692 1465-3346 140
3038 3038 CAHIERS DE CIVILISATION MEDIEVALE 0007-9731 2119-1026 Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale 0007-9731 140
3075 3075 CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 0309-166X 1464-3545 Cambridge Journal of Economics 0309-166X 1464-3545 140
3079 3079 Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society 1752-1378 1752-1386 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 1752-1378 140
3582 3582 CHINA JOURNAL 1324-9347 1835-8535 China Journal 1324-9347 140
3588 3588 CHINA QUARTERLY 0305-7410 1468-2648 China Quarterly 0305-7410 1468-2648 140
3651 3651 Christian Bioethics 1380-3603 1744-4195 Christian Bioethics 1380-3603 140
3692 3692 CINEMA JOURNAL 0009-7101 1527-2087 140
3744 3744 CLASSICAL QUARTERLY 0009-8388 1471-6844 Classical Quarterly 0009-8388 1471-6844 140
3765 3765 CLIMATIC CHANGE 0165-0009 1573-1480 Climatic Change 0165-0009 1573-1480 140
3943 3943 Cliometrica 1863-2505 1863-2513 Cliometrica 1863-2505 1863-2513 140
4001 4001 Cold War History 1468-2745 1743-7962 Cold War History 1468-2745 140
4045 4045 Comics Grid-Journal of Comics Scholarship 2048-0792 2048-0792 Comics Grid 2048-0792 140
4064 4064 COMMUNICATION MONOGRAPHS 0363-7751 1479-5787 Communication Monographs 0363-7751 140
4068 4068 COMMUNICATION RESEARCH 0093-6502 1552-3810 Communication Research 0093-6502 140
4286 4286 Comunicar 1134-3478 1988-3293 Comunicar 1134-3478 140
4304 4304 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACE SCIENCE 0738-8942 1549-9219 Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 140
4363 4363 Contemporary European History 0960-7773 1469-2171 Contemporary European History 0960-7773 140
4502 4502 CRITICAL INQUIRY 0093-1896 1539-7858 Critical Inquiry 0093-1896 1539-7858 140
4508 4508 CRITICAL QUARTERLY 0011-1562 1467-8705 Critical Quarterly 0011-1562 1467-8705 140
4529 4529 Critical Studies in Education 1750-8487 1750-8495 Critical Studies in Education 1750-8487 1750-8495 140
4539 4539 CRITIQUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY 0308-275X 1460-3721 Critique of Anthropology 0308-275X 140
4637 4637 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 0886-7356 1548-1360 Cultural Anthropology 0886-7356 140
4655 4655 Culture and Religion 1475-5610 1475-5629 Culture and Religion 1475-5610 140
4667 4667 CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 0011-3204 1537-5382 Current Anthropology 0011-3204 1537-5382 140
4715 4715 Current Issues in Tourism 1368-3500 1747-7603 Current Issues in Tourism 1368-3500 140
4863 4863 DAEDALUS 0011-5266 1548-6192 Daedalus 0011-5266 1548-6192 140
4872 4872 DANCE RESEARCH JOURNAL 0149-7677 1940-509X Dance Research Journal 0149-7677 1940-509X 140
4876 4876 Dao-A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 1540-3009 1569-7274 Dao 1540-3009 1569-7274 140
4890 4890 Dead Sea Discoveries 0929-0761 1568-5179 Dead Sea Discoveries 0929-0761 140
4967 4967 DESIGN STUDIES 0142-694X 1872-6909 Design Studies 0142-694X 140
5223 5224 Dutch Crossing-Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 Dutch Crossing 0309-6564 140
5330 5331 ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY 1708-3087 Ecology and Society 1708-3087 140
5589 5590 Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene 2325-1026 2325-1026 Elementa 2325-1026 140
5626 5627 Emotion Review 1754-0739 1754-0747 Emotion Review 1754-0739 140
5685 5686 ENERGY POLICY 0301-4215 1873-6777 Energy Policy 0301-4215 140
5782 5783 ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE 0263-7758 1472-3433 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 0263-7758 140
5841 5842 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY 1462-9011 1873-6416 Environmental Science and Policy 1462-9011 140
6024 6025 ETHNOMUSICOLOGY 0014-1836 2156-7417 Ethnomusicology 0014-1836 140
6031 6032 ETHOS 0091-2131 1548-1352 Ethos 0091-2131 1548-1352 140
6250 6251 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH 0304-4130 1475-6765 European Journal of Political Research 0304-4130 1475-6765 140
6486 6487 FABULA 0014-6242 1613-0464 Fabula 0014-6242 1613-0464 140
6543 6544 Feminist Theory 1464-7001 1741-2773 Feminist Theory 1464-7001 140
6700 6701 FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE 0950-3293 1873-6343 Food Quality and Preference 0950-3293 140
7082 7083 GEOFORUM 0016-7185 1872-9398 Geoforum 0016-7185 140
7187 7188 GERMAN LIFE AND LETTERS 0016-8777 1468-0483 German Life and Letters 0016-8777 1468-0483 140
7328 7329 GREEK ROMAN AND BYZANTINE STUDIES 0017-3916 2159-3159 Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 0017-3916 140
7382 7383 HAHR-Hispanic American Historical Review 0018-2168 1527-1900 The Hispanic American Historical Review 0018-2168 140
7534 7535 Heritage Science 2050-7445 2050-7445 Heritage Science 2050-7445 140
7569 7570 HIGHER EDUCATION 0018-1560 1573-174X Higher Education 0018-1560 1573-174X 140
7573 7574 Higher Education Research & Development 0729-4360 1469-8366 Higher Education Research and Development 0729-4360 140
7627 7628 HISTORICAL JOURNAL 0018-246X 1469-5103 Historical Journal 0018-246X 1469-5103 140
7647 7648 History & Memory 0935-560X 1527-1994 History & Memory 0935-560X 1527-1994 140
7673 7674 HISTORY WORKSHOP JOURNAL 1363-3554 1477-4569 History Workshop Journal 1363-3554 1477-4569 140
7692 7693 Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 Home Cultures 1740-6315 140
7735 7736 HOUSING STUDIES 0267-3037 1466-1810 Housing Studies 0267-3037 1466-1810 140
7756 7757 HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH 0360-3989 1468-2958 Human Communication Research 0360-3989 1468-2958 140
7779 7780 HUMAN RELATIONS 0018-7267 1741-282X Human Relations 0018-7267 140
8315 8316 Information Communication & Society 1369-118X 1468-4462 Information Communication and Society 1369-118X 140
8382 8383 Innovative Higher Education 0742-5627 1573-1758 Innovative Higher Education 0742-5627 140
8543 8544 INTERNATIONAL INTERACTIONS 0305-0629 1547-7444 International Interactions 0305-0629 1547-7444 140
8562 8563 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 0020-7047 1572-8684 International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 0020-7047 140
8632 8633 International Journal of Architectural Heritage 1558-3058 1558-3066 International Journal of Architectural Heritage 1558-3058 140
8732 8733 International Journal of Community Music 1752-6299 1752-6302 International Journal of Community Music 1752-6299 1752-6302 140
8759 8760 International Journal of Conservation Science 2067-533X 2067-8223 International Journal of Conservation Science 2067-533X 2067-8223 140
8778 8779 International Journal of Cultural Policy 1028-6632 1477-2833 International Journal of Cultural Policy 1028-6632 1477-2833 140
8979 8980 International Journal of Heritage Studies 1352-7258 1470-3610 International Journal of Heritage Studies 1352-7258 1470-3610 140
8994 8995 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES 1071-5819 1095-9300 International Journal of Human Computer Studies 1071-5819 1095-9300 140
9082 9083 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT 0948-3349 1614-7502 International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 0948-3349 140
9253 9254 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT 0960-0035 1758-664X International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 0960-0035 140
9443 9444 International Journal of Transitional Justice 1752-7716 1752-7724 The International Journal of Transitional Justice 1752-7716 1752-7724 140
9452 9453 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 0309-1317 1468-2427 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 1468-2427 140
9493 9494 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW 0197-9183 1747-7379 International Migration Review 0197-9183 140
9509 9510 International Political Sociology 1749-5679 1749-5687 International Political Sociology 1749-5679 1749-5687 140
9525 9526 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1012-6902 1461-7218 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1012-6902 140
9945 9947 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS AND IDEOLOGIES 1583-0039 1583-0039 Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1583-0039 140
10031 10033 JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS AND ART CRITICISM 0021-8529 1540-6245 Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 0021-8529 1540-6245 140
10034 10036 Journal of African Archaeology 1612-1651 2191-5784 Journal of African Archaeology 1612-1651 140
10036 10038 Journal of African Cinemas 1754-9221 1754-923X Journal of African Cinemas 1754-9221 1754-923X 140
10148 10150 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 0021-8901 1365-2664 Journal of Applied Ecology 0021-8901 1365-2664 140
10205 10207 Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports 2352-409X 2352-409X Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2352-409X 140
10234 10236 JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES 0021-9118 1752-0401 Journal of Asian Studies 0021-9118 140
10290 10292 JOURNAL OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE 0021-9231 1934-3876 Journal of Biblical Literature 0021-9231 140
10354 10356 JOURNAL OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA 0883-8151 1550-6878 Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 0883-8151 1550-6878 140
10369 10371 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS 0167-4544 1573-0697 Journal of Business Ethics 0167-4544 1573-0697 140
10568 10570 JOURNAL OF COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE 0021-9894 1741-6442 Journal of Commonwealth Literature 0021-9894 1741-6442 140
10652 10654 Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405 1741-2900 Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405 1741-2900 140
10664 10666 Journal of Contemporary China 1067-0564 1469-9400 Journal of Contemporary China 1067-0564 1469-9400 140
10668 10670 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ETHNOGRAPHY 0891-2416 1552-5414 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 0891-2416 140
10678 10680 Journal of Contemporary Religion 1353-7903 1469-9419 Journal of Contemporary Religion 1353-7903 140
10750 10752 JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY 1045-5736 1086-3214 Journal of Democracy 1045-5736 1086-3214 140
10764 10766 Journal of Design History 0952-4649 1741-7279 Journal of Design History 0952-4649 1741-7279 140
10818 10820 JOURNAL OF EARLY CHRISTIAN STUDIES 1067-6341 1086-3184 Journal of Early Christian Studies 1067-6341 140
10847 10849 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY 0022-0507 1471-6372 Journal of Economic History 0022-0507 1471-6372 140
11015 11017 JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES 1369-183X 1469-9451 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369-183X 1469-9451 140
11020 11022 JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY 0378-8741 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 0378-8741 140
11059 11061 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 0278-7393 1939-1285 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition 0278-7393 140
11321 11323 JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION 0022-1546 1538-4640 Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 140
11327 11329 JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY 0305-7488 Journal of Historical Geographpy 0305-7488 1095-8614 140
11346 11348 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 1096-3480 1557-7554 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 1096-3480 1557-7554 140
11510 11512 JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY 0022-1953 1530-9169 Journal of Interdisciplinary History 0022-1953 1530-9169 140
11626 11628 Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 1935-4932 1935-4940 Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 1935-4932 140
11652 11654 JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES 0047-2530 1537-5366 Journal of Legal Studies 0047-2530 1537-5366 140
11745 11747 JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY 0022-2445 1741-3737 Journal of Marriage and Family 0022-2445 1741-3737 140
11839 11841 JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN STUDIES 1082-9636 Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 1082-9636 1527-8263 140
11841 11843 Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 1754-6559 1754-6567 Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 1754-6559 1754-6567 140
11848 11850 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 0749-596X 1096-0821 Journal of Memory and Language 0749-596X 1096-0821 140
12161 12163 JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY 0022-3344 1469-9605 Journal of Pacific History 0022-3344 140
12457 12459 Journal of Public Relations Research 1062-726X 1532-754X Journal of Public Relations Research 1062-726X 140
12608 12610 JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES 0022-4480 1477-8556 Journal of Semitic Studies 0022-4480 1477-8556 140
12647 12649 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES 0022-4537 1540-4560 Journal of Social Issues 0022-4537 1540-4560 140
12763 12765 Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582 1747-7646 Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582 140
12795 12797 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE 0092-0703 1552-7824 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 140
12829 12831 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY 0003-0279 2169-2289 Journal of the American Oriental Society. American Oriental Society 0003-0279 140
13027 13029 JOURNAL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES 0022-5185 1477-4607 Journal of Theological Studies 0022-5185 1477-4607 140
13082 13084 Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 1873-1236 Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 140
13117 13119 JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 0094-1190 1095-9068 Journal of Urban Economics 0094-1190 1095-9068 140
13174 13176 JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOR 0001-8791 1095-9084 Journal of Vocational Behavior 0001-8791 1095-9084 140
13225 13227 JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE 0047-2891 1573-6601 Journal of Youth and Adolescence 0047-2891 1573-6601 140
13268 13270 JUSTICE QUARTERLY 0741-8825 1745-9109 Justice Quarterly 0741-8825 140
13374 13376 KRITIKA-EXPLORATIONS IN RUSSIAN AND EURASIAN HISTORY 1531-023X 1538-5000 Kritika 1531-023X 1538-5000 140
13433 13435 LAND USE POLICY 0264-8377 1873-5754 Land Use Policy 0264-8377 140
13441 13443 LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY 0921-2973 1572-9761 Landscape Ecology 0921-2973 1572-9761 140
13449 13451 LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION 0271-5309 Language and Communication 0271-5309 140
13466 13468 Language Culture and Curriculum 0790-8318 1747-7573 Language, Culture and Curriculum 0790-8318 140
13563 13565 Learning Media and Technology 1743-9884 1743-9892 Learning, Media and Technology 1743-9884 140
13710 13712 Lithic Technology 0197-7261 2051-6185 Lithic Technology 0197-7261 2051-6185 140
14117 14119 MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY 1521-3269 1532-785X Media Psychology 1521-3269 1532-785X 140
14119 14121 Media War and Conflict 1750-6352 1750-6360 Media, War and Conflict 1750-6352 1750-6360 140
14129 14131 MEDICAL CARE 0025-7079 1537-1948 Medical Care 0025-7079 1537-1948 140
14193 14195 Mediterranean Historical Review 0951-8967 1743-940X Mediterranean Historical Review 0951-8967 1743-940X 140
14232 14234 MEMORY & COGNITION 0090-502X 1532-5946 Memory and Cognition 0090-502X 1532-5946 140
14283 14285 Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 0943-3058 1570-0682 Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 0943-3058 140
14374 14376 Middle Eastern Literatures 1475-262X 1475-2638 Middle Eastern Literatures 1475-262X 140
14451 14453 Mission Studies 0168-9789 1573-3831 Mission Studies 0168-9789 140
14478 14480 Mobilities 1745-0101 1745-011X Mobilities 1745-0101 1745-011X 140
14489 14491 MODERN DRAMA 0026-7694 1712-5286 Modern Drama 0026-7694 140
14678 14680 MUSIC ANALYSIS 0262-5245 1468-2249 Music Analysis 0262-5245 1468-2249 140
14680 14682 MUSIC PERCEPTION 0730-7829 Music Perception 0730-7829 140
14688 14690 MUSICAE SCIENTIAE 1029-8649 2045-4147 Musicae Scientiae 1029-8649 140
14689 14691 MUSICAL QUARTERLY 0027-4631 1741-8399 Musical Quarterly 0027-4631 1741-8399 140
15028 15030 NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE 0094-033X 1558-1462 New German Critique 0094-033X 140
15035 15037 NEW LEFT REVIEW 0028-6060 2044-0480 New Left Review 0028-6060 140
15046 15048 NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY 1356-3467 1469-9923 New Political Economy 1356-3467 1469-9923 140
15057 15059 NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES 0028-6885 1469-8145 New Testament Studies 0028-6885 1469-8145 140
15310 15312 NUTRITION REVIEWS 0029-6643 1753-4887 Nutrition Reviews 0029-6643 140
15542 15545 ORGANIZATION STUDIES 0170-8406 1741-3044 Organization Studies 0170-8406 140
15544 15547 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES 0749-5978 1095-9920 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 0749-5978 1095-9920 140
15598 15601 OXFORD ART JOURNAL 0142-6540 1741-7287 Oxford Art Journal 0142-6540 140
15604 15607 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 2047-0770 2047-0789 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 2047-0770 2047-0789 140
15629 15632 PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY 0279-0750 1468-0114 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 0279-0750 1468-0114 140
16316 16320 POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY 0962-6298 1873-5096 Political Geography 0962-6298 140
16317 16321 POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY 0162-895X 1467-9221 Political Psychology 0162-895X 1467-9221 140
16323 16327 POLITICAL STUDIES 0032-3217 1467-9248 Political Studies 0032-3217 1467-9248 140
16326 16330 POLITICAL THEORY 0090-5917 1552-7476 Political Theory 0090-5917 140
16479 16483 PRINT QUARTERLY 0265-8305 Print Quarterly 0265-8305 140
16556 16560 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY 0029-6651 1475-2719 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 0029-6651 1475-2719 140
16777 16781 Psychology of Violence 2152-0828 2152-081X Psychology of Violence 2152-0828 2152-081X 140
16779 16783 PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY 0361-6843 1471-6402 Psychology of Women Quarterly 0361-6843 1471-6402 140
16810 16814 PUBLIC CULTURE 0899-2363 1527-8018 Public Culture 0899-2363 1527-8018 140
16859 16863 PUNISHMENT & SOCIETY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PENOLOGY 1462-4745 1741-3095 Punishment and Society 1462-4745 140
16890 16894 Qualitative Research 1468-7941 1741-3109 Qualitative Research 1468-7941 140
16899 16903 Qualitative Sociology 0162-0436 1573-7837 Qualitative Sociology 0162-0436 1573-7837 140
17107 17111 REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 0166-0462 1879-2308 Regional Science and Urban Economics 0166-0462 140
17110 17114 REGIONAL STUDIES 0034-3404 1360-0591 Regional Studies 0034-3404 1360-0591 140
17218 17222 RESEARCH EVALUATION 0958-2029 1471-5449 Research Evaluation 0958-2029 1471-5449 140
17219 17223 RESEARCH IN AFRICAN LITERATURES 0034-5210 1527-2044 Research in African Literatures 0034-5210 1527-2044 140
17229 17233 RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION 0361-0365 1573-188X Research in Higher Education 0361-0365 1573-188X 140
17258 17262 RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION 0835-1813 1532-7973 Research on Language and Social Interaction 0835-1813 1532-7973 140
17274 17278 RESOURCES POLICY 0301-4207 1873-7641 Resources Policy 0301-4207 140
17293 17297 RETHINKING HISTORY 1364-2529 1470-1154 Rethinking History 1364-2529 140
17336 17340 REVIEW OF ENGLISH STUDIES 0034-6551 1471-6968 The Review of English Studies 0034-6551 1471-6968 140
17344 17348 REVIEW OF HIGHER EDUCATION 0162-5748 1090-7009 Review of Higher Education 0162-5748 1090-7009 140
17350 17354 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY 0969-2290 1466-4526 Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290 1466-4526 140
17531 17535 REVISTA DE DIALECTOLOGIA Y TRADICIONES POPULARES 0034-7981 1988-8457 Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares 0034-7981 1988-8457 140
17851 17855 REVUE D HISTOIRE MODERNE ET CONTEMPORAINE 0048-8003 Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 0048-8003 140
17861 17865 REVUE DE MUSICOLOGIE 0035-1601 Revue de Musicologie 0035-1601 140
17904 17908 Rhetoric Society Quarterly 0277-3945 1930-322X RSQ-Rhetoric Society Quarterly 0277-3945 140
17980 17984 Rock Art Research 0813-0426 Rock Art Research 0813-0426 140
18179 18183 Scando-Slavica 0080-6765 1600-082X Scando-Slavica 0080-6765 140
18243 18247 SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & HUMAN VALUES 0162-2439 1552-8251 Science Technology and Human Values 0162-2439 140
18263 18267 Scientific Data 2052-4463 2052-4463 Scientific data 2052-4463 140
18466 18470 Sign Systems Studies 1406-4243 1736-7409 Sign Systems Studies 1406-4243 140
18504 18508 Slavery & Abolition 0144-039X 1743-9523 Slavery and Abolition 0144-039X 1743-9523 140
18508 18512 SLAVIC REVIEW 0037-6779 2325-7784 Slavic Review 0037-6779 140
18546 18550 SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY 1464-9365 1470-1197 Social and Cultural Geography 1464-9365 1470-1197 140
18573 18577 Social Movement Studies 1474-2837 1474-2829 Social Movement Studies 1474-2837 140
18584 18588 Social Psychology 1864-9335 2151-2590 Social Psychology 1864-9335 140
18590 18594 SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 0277-9536 Social Science and Medicine 0277-9536 140
18641 18645 SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 0038-0261 1467-954X Sociological Review 0038-0261 1467-954X 140
19069 19073 STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION 0307-5079 1470-174X Studies in Higher Education 0307-5079 1470-174X 140
19072 19076 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 0039-3681 1879-2510 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 0039-3681 140
19094 19098 Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas 2050-4837 2050-4845 Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 2050-4837 2050-4845 140
19099 19103 Studies in Theatre and Performance 1468-2761 2040-0616 Studies in Theatre and Performance 1468-2761 140
19126 19130 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 1598-2661 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 1598-2661 140
19257 19261 TDR-The Drama Review-The Journal of Performance Studies 1054-2043 1531-4715 TDR/The Drama Review 1054-2043 1531-4715 140
19261 19265 Teachers and Teaching 1354-0602 1470-1278 Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 1354-0602 1470-1278 140
19278 19282 Teaching Theology and Religion 1368-4868 1467-9647 Teaching Theology and Religion 1368-4868 1467-9647 140
19333 19337 Television & New Media 1527-4764 1552-8316 Television and New Media 1527-4764 140
19412 19416 THEATRE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 0307-8833 1474-0672 Theatre Research International 0307-8833 1474-0672 140
19420 19424 Theology and Science 1474-6700 1474-6719 Theology and Science 1474-6700 1474-6719 140
19456 19460 THEORY CULTURE & SOCIETY 0263-2764 1460-3616 Theory, Culture and Society 0263-2764 140
19526 19530 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR NEDERLANDSE TAAL-EN LETTERKUNDE 0040-7550 Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 0040-7550 140
19983 19987 Urban Design International 1357-5317 1468-4519 Urban Design International 1357-5317 1468-4519 140
19995 19999 URBAN STUDIES 0042-0980 1360-063X Urban Studies 0042-0980 1360-063X 140
20109 20113 VETUS TESTAMENTUM 0042-4935 Vetus Testamentum 0042-4935 1568-5330 140
20120 20124 VICTORIAN STUDIES 0042-5222 1527-2052 Victorian studies 0042-5222 1527-2052 140
20271 20275 WESTERN FOLKLORE 0043-373X Western Folklore 0043-373X 140
20310 20314 WINTERTHUR PORTFOLIO-A JOURNAL OF AMERICAN MATERIAL CULTURE 0084-0416 1545-6927 Winterthur Portfolio 0084-0416 1545-6927 140
20453 20457 ZEITSCHRIFT DER DEUTSCHEN MORGENLANDISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT 0341-0137 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 0341-0137 140
20463 20467 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANTIKES CHRISTENTUM-JOURNAL OF ANCIENT CHRISTIANITY 0949-9571 1612-961X Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum 0949-9571 140
20466 20470 Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie 0084-5299 1613-1150 Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Vorderasiastische Archaeologie 0084-5299 1613-1150 140
20867 20871 Anglo-Saxon England 0263-6751 140
20912 20916 Annual Review of Anthropology 0084-6570 1545-4290 140
21390 21394 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 0003-097X 140
21637 21641 City 1470-3629 1360-4813 140
23873 23881 Journal of Chinese Military History 2212-7445 2212-7453 140
24142 24151 Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 1756-4905 1756-4913 140
24798 24808 Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social 0104-9313 140
25733 25744 Projections 0762-1000 140
26174 26185 Revue d Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques 1768-9260 140
26613 26625 Studies in the Age of Chaucer 0190-2407 140
26756 26768 The journal of ethics 1382-4554 140
26991 27003 Verbum et Ecclesia 1609-9982 2074-7705 140
27194 27206 Zaranda de Ideas 1853-1296 2408-3801 140
79 79 ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 1556-4673 1556-4711 Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage 1556-4673 100
218 218 Acta Germanica-German studies in Africa 0065-1273 0065-1273 100
256 256 ACTA MUSICOLOGICA 0001-6241 Acta Musicologica 0001-6241 100
306 306 Acta Politica 0001-6810 1741-1416 Acta Politica 0001-6810 100
403 403 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 0894-587X 1573-3289 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 0894-587X 1573-3289 100
496 496 ADVANCES IN HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION 1382-4996 1573-1677 Advances in Health Sciences Education 1382-4996 1573-1677 100
578 578 African Archaeological Review 0263-0338 1572-9842 African Archaeological Review 0263-0338 100
579 579 AFRICAN ARTS 0001-9933 1937-2108 African Arts 0001-9933 1937-2108 100
580 580 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW-REVUE AFRICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT 1017-6772 1467-8268 African Development Review 1017-6772 1467-8268 100
628 628 African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 African Studies Review 0002-0206 100
631 631 Africana Linguistica 0065-4124 Africana Linguistica 0065-4124 100
697 697 AIBR-Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana 1695-9752 1578-9705 AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana 1695-9752 1578-9705 100
769 769 Aleph-Historical Studies in Science & Judaism 1565-1525 1565-5423 Aleph 1565-1525 1553-3956 100
810 810 AL-QANTARA 0211-3589 1988-2955 Al-Qantara 0211-3589 100
838 838 AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST 0002-7294 1548-1433 American Anthropologist 0002-7294 0364-9873 100
840 840 American Art 1073-9300 1549-6503 American Art 1073-9300 1549-6503 100
842 842 AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST 0002-7642 1552-3381 American Behavioral Scientist 0002-7642 100
899 899 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 0195-6744 1549-6511 American Journal of Education 0195-6744 1549-6511 100
997 997 AMERICAN LITERATURE 0002-9831 1527-2117 American Literature 0002-9831 100
1024 1024 AMERICAS 0003-1615 1533-6247 Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 100
1110 1110 Ancient Mesoamerica 0956-5361 1469-1787 Ancient Mesoamerica 0956-5361 1469-1787 100
1155 1155 Animation-An Interdisciplinary Journal 1746-8477 1746-8485 Animation 1746-8477 100
1320 1320 Annual of the British School at Athens 0068-2454 2045-2403 Annual of the British School at Athens 0068-2454 100
1329 1329 Anthropocene 2213-3054 2213-3054 Anthropocene 2213-3054 100
1331 1331 Anthropological Forum 0066-4677 1469-2902 Anthropological Forum 0066-4677 1469-2902 100
1335 1335 ANTHROPOLOGICAL QUARTERLY 0003-5491 1534-1518 Anthropological Quarterly 0003-5491 1534-1518 100
1337 1337 Anthropological Theory 1463-4996 1741-2641 Anthropological Theory 1463-4996 100
1343 1343 ANTHROPOLOGY & EDUCATION QUARTERLY 0161-7761 1548-1492 Anthropology and Education Quarterly 0161-7761 1548-1492 100
1344 1344 Anthropology & Medicine 1364-8470 1469-2910 Anthropology and Medicine 1364-8470 1469-2910 100
1352 1352 ANTHROZOOS 0892-7936 1753-0377 Anthrozoos 0892-7936 100
1403 1403 ANXIETY STRESS AND COPING 1061-5806 1477-2205 Anxiety, Stress and Coping 1061-5806 100
1424 1424 APPETITE 0195-6663 1095-8304 Appetite 0195-6663 1095-8304 100
1459 1459 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2040-5790 2040-5804 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2040-5790 100
1470 1470 APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 0143-6228 1873-7730 Applied Geography 0143-6228 100
1473 1473 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 1175-5652 1179-1896 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 1175-5652 100
1496 1496 Applied Ontology 1570-5838 1875-8533 Applied Ontology 1570-5838 1875-8533 100
1526 1526 Applied Theatre Research 2049-3010 2049-3029 Applied Theatre Research 2049-3010 2049-3029 100
1564 1564 ARABIAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND EPIGRAPHY 0905-7196 1600-0471 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 0905-7196 1600-0471 100
1571 1571 Aramaic Studies 1477-8351 1745-5227 Aramaic Studies 1477-8351 100
1579 1579 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1866-9557 1866-9565 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1866-9557 1866-9565 100
1584 1584 Archaeological Research in Asia 2352-2267 2352-2275 Archaeological Research in Asia 2352-2267 100
1585 1585 Archaeologies-Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 1555-8622 1935-3987 Archaeologies 1555-8622 100
1645 1645 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART 0066-6637 1944-6497 Archives of Asian Art 0066-6637 1944-6497 100
1732 1732 ARETHUSA 0004-0975 1080-6504 Arethusa 0004-0975 100
1782 1782 Art & Perception 2213-4905 2213-4913 Art and Perception 2213-4905 2213-4913 100
1814 1814 Artibus et Historiae 0391-9064 100
1866 1866 Asia Pacific Viewpoint 1360-7456 1467-8373 Asia Pacific Viewpoint 1360-7456 1467-8373 100
1869 1869 Asian Affairs 0306-8374 1477-1500 Asian Affairs 0306-8374 1477-1500 100
1924 1924 ASIAN PHILOSOPHY 0955-2367 1469-2961 Asian Philosophy 0955-2367 1469-2961 100
1926 1926 Asian Population Studies 1744-1730 1744-1749 Asian Population Studies 1744-1730 1744-1749 100
1934 1934 ASIAN THEATRE JOURNAL 0742-5457 1527-2109 Asian Theatre Journal 0742-5457 1527-2109 100
1962 1962 Aspasia 1933-2882 1933-2890 Aspasia 1933-2882 1933-2890 100
2017 2017 Atlantic Studies-Global Currents 1478-8810 1740-4649 Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives 1478-8810 100
2019 2019 Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 0210-6124 1989-6840 Atlantis 0210-6124 1989-6840 100
2113 2113 AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES 0816-4649 1465-3303 Australian Feminist Studies 0816-4649 1465-3303 100
2335 2335 Bible Translator 2051-6770 2051-6789 100
2336 2336 BIBLICA 0006-0887 0006-0887 Biblica 0006-0887 2385-2062 100
2338 2338 Biblical Theology Bulletin 0146-1079 1945-7596 Biblical Theology Bulletin 0146-1079 1945-7596 100
2538 2538 Bioscope-South Asian Screen Studies 0974-9276 0976-352X BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 0974-9276 0976-352X 100
2539 2539 Biosemiotics 1875-1342 1875-1350 Biosemiotics 1875-1342 1875-1350 100
2580 2580 BLACK SCHOLAR 0006-4246 2162-5387 Black Scholar 0006-4246 100
2607 2607 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1472-6882 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1472-6882 100
2645 2645 BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 1471-2393 BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 1471-2393 100
2647 2647 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 1471-2458 BMC Public Health 1471-2458 100
2668 2668 Body & Society 1357-034X 1460-3632 Body and Society 1357-034X 1460-3632 100
2738 2738 BOUNDARY 2-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND CULTURE 0190-3659 1527-2141 Boundary 2 0190-3659 1527-2141 100
2749 2749 BRAIN AND COGNITION 0278-2626 1090-2147 Brain and Cognition 0278-2626 1090-2147 100
2845 2845 British Journal of Music Education 0265-0517 1469-2104 British Journal of Music Education 0265-0517 1469-2104 100
2968 2968 Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 2054-9318 2054-9326 Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 2054-9318 2054-9326 100
3066 3066 CALLALOO 0161-2492 1080-6512 Callaloo 0161-2492 1080-6512 100
3082 3082 CAMBRIDGE QUARTERLY 0008-199X 1471-6836 Cambridge Quarterly 0008-199X 1471-6836 100
3085 3085 CAMERA OBSCURA 0270-5346 1529-1510 Camera Obscura 0270-5346 1529-1510 100
3338 3338 CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY 0008-7912 2163-2529 100
3536 3536 Child & Family Social Work 1356-7500 1365-2206 Child and Family Social Work 1356-7500 100
3556 3556 Childhood Obesity 2153-2168 2153-2176 Childhood Obesity 2153-2168 2153-2176 100
3557 3557 CHILDHOOD-A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF CHILD RESEARCH 0907-5682 1461-7013 Childhood 0907-5682 100
3560 3560 CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW 0190-7409 1873-7765 Children and Youth Services Review 0190-7409 100
3563 3563 Childrens Geographies 1473-3285 1473-3277 Children’s Geographies 1473-3285 100
3581 3581 China Information 0920-203X 1741-590X China Information 0920-203X 1741-590X 100
3641 3641 Chinese Semiotic Studies 2198-9605 2198-9613 Chinese Semiotic Studies 2198-9605 2198-9613 100
3664 3664 Chungara-Revista de Antropologia Chilena 0717-7356 0717-7356 Chungara 0716-1182 0717-7356 100
3665 3665 CHURCH HISTORY 0009-6407 1755-2613 Church History 0009-6407 100
3717 3717 CITIES 0264-2751 1873-6084 Cities 0264-2751 100
3719 3719 City & Community 1535-6841 1540-6040 City and Community 1535-6841 100
3745 3745 Classical Receptions Journal 1759-5134 1759-5142 Classical Receptions Journal 1759-5134 1759-5142 100
3751 3751 CLCWEB-Comparative Literature and Culture 1481-4374 1481-4374 CLCWeb – Comparative Literature and Culture 1481-4374 100
3960 3960 CoDesign-International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts 1571-0882 1745-3755 CoDesign 1571-0882 1745-3755 100
3962 3962 Cogent Arts & Humanities 2331-1983 2331-1983 Cogent Arts and Humanities 2331-1983 100
4122 4122 COMPARATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES 1477-5700 1741-2676 Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 100
4135 4135 COMPARATIVE EDUCATION 0305-0068 1360-0486 Comparative Education 0305-0068 1360-0486 100
4142 4142 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES 0010-4132 1528-4212 Comparative Literature Studies 0010-4132 1528-4212 100
4290 4290 Concentric-Literary and Cultural Studies 1729-6897 1729-8792 Concentric 1729-6897 1729-8792 100
4321 4321 CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION 1053-8100 1090-2376 Consciousness and Cognition 1053-8100 1090-2376 100
4345 4345 Consumption Markets & Culture 1025-3866 1477-223X Consumption Markets and Culture 1025-3866 1477-223X 100
4383 4383 Contemporary Southeast Asia 0129-797X 1793-284X Contemporary Southeast Asia 0129-797X 100
4384 4384 CONTEMPORARY THEATRE REVIEW 1048-6801 1477-2264 Contemporary Theatre Review 1048-6801 1477-2264 100
4386 4386 Contemporary Womens Writing 1754-1476 1754-1484 Contemporary Women’s Writing 1754-1476 1754-1484 100
4397 4397 CONTRACEPTION 0010-7824 1879-0518 Contraception 0010-7824 100
4412 4412 Convivium-Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe Byzantium and the Mediterranean 2336-3452 2336-808X Convivium (Czech Republic) 2336-3452 2336-808X 100
4487 4487 CRITICAL ASIAN STUDIES 1467-2715 1472-6033 Critical Asian Studies 1467-2715 100
4510 4510 Critical Research on Religion 2050-3032 2050-3040 Critical Research on Religion 2050-3032 2050-3040 100
4527 4527 CRITICAL SOCIAL POLICY 0261-0183 1461-703X Critical Social Policy 0261-0183 100
4536 4536 CRITICISM-A QUARTERLY FOR LITERATURE AND THE ARTS 0011-1589 1536-0342 Criticism 0011-1589 1536-0342 100
4636 4636 Cultural & Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 100
4639 4639 Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 1099-9809 1939-0106 Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 1099-9809 100
4644 4644 CULTURAL STUDIES 0950-2386 1466-4348 Cultural Studies 0950-2386 1466-4348 100
4647 4647 Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies 1532-7086 1552-356X Cultural Studies – Critical Methodologies 1532-7086 100
4652 4652 CULTURE & PSYCHOLOGY 1354-067X 1461-7056 Culture and Psychology 1354-067X 100
4657 4657 CULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY 1369-1058 1464-5351 Culture, Health and Sexuality 1369-1058 1464-5351 100
4659 4659 Culture Theory and Critique 1473-5784 1473-5776 Culture, Theory and Critique 1473-5784 1473-5776 100
4662 4662 Curator-The Museum Journal 0011-3069 2151-6952 Curator 2151-6952 100
4964 4964 DESIGN ISSUES 0747-9360 1531-4790 Design Issues 0747-9360 100
4965 4965 Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 Design Journal 1460-6925 100
5085 5086 Digital Journalism 2167-0811 2167-082X Digital Journalism 2167-0811 2167-082X 100
5088 5089 Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2055-7671 2055-768X Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2055-7671 2055-768X 100
5102 5103 DISABILITY & SOCIETY 0968-7599 1360-0508 Disability and Society 0968-7599 1360-0508 100
5103 5104 Disability and Health Journal 1936-6574 1876-7583 Disability and Health Journal 1936-6574 100
5110 5111 DISCOURSE & SOCIETY 0957-9265 1460-3624 Discourse and Society 0957-9265 100
5113 5114 DISCOURSE STUDIES 1461-4456 1461-7080 Discourse Studies 1461-4456 100
5115 5116 Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 0159-6306 1469-3739 Discourse 0159-6306 1469-3739 100
5218 5219 Du Bois Review-Social Science Research on Race 1742-058X 1742-0598 Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 1742-058X 100
5240 5241 Early American Studies-An Interdisciplinary Journal 1543-4273 1559-0895 100
5245 5246 Early Christianity 1868-7032 1868-8020 100
5253 5254 EARLY MUSIC 0306-1078 1741-7260 Early Music 0306-1078 1741-7260 100
5288 5289 EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES 0888-3254 1533-8371 East European Politics and Societies 0888-3254 100
5359 5360 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE 0013-0079 1539-2988 Economic Development and Cultural Change 0013-0079 1539-2988 100
5739 5740 ENGLISH STUDIES 0013-838X 1744-4217 English Studies 0013-838X 1744-4217 100
5779 5780 Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space 0308-518X 1472-3409 Environment and Planning A 0308-518X 100
5781 5782 Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space 2399-6544 2399-6552 Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2399-6544 2399-6552 100
5783 5784 ENVIRONMENT AND URBANIZATION 0956-2478 1746-0301 Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 100
5833 5834 ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS 0964-4016 1743-8934 Environmental Politics 0964-4016 100
5840 5841 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS 1208-6053 1181-8700 Environmental Reviews 1181-8700 1208-6053 100
5962 5963 Estudios Atacamenos 0718-1043 0718-1043 Estudios Atacamenos 0716-0925 0718-1043 100
5965 5966 Estudios de Cultura Maya 0185-2574 2448-5179 Estudios de Cultura Maya 0185-2574 100
5986 5987 Estudios Irlandeses 1699-311X 1699-311X Estudios Irlandeses 1699-311X 100
6012 6013 ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES 0141-9870 1466-4356 Ethnic and Racial Studies 0141-9870 1466-4356 100
6013 6014 Ethnicities 1468-7968 1741-2706 Ethnicities 1468-7968 1741-2706 100
6015 6016 ETHNICITY & HEALTH 1355-7858 1465-3419 Ethnicity and Health 1355-7858 1465-3419 100
6016 6017 Ethnoarchaeology 1944-2904 1944-2890 Ethnoarchaeology 1944-2890 1944-2904 100
6017 6018 Ethnobiology and Conservation 2238-4782 2238-4782 Ethnobiology and Conservation 2238-4782 100
6019 6020 Ethnography 1466-1381 1741-2714 Ethnography 1466-1381 1741-2714 100
6020 6021 Ethnography and Education 1745-7823 1745-7831 Ethnography and Education 1745-7823 100
6021 6022 ETHNOHISTORY 0014-1801 1527-5477 Ethnohistory 0014-1801 1527-5477 100
6025 6026 Ethnomusicology Forum 1741-1912 1741-1920 Ethnomusicology Forum 1741-1912 1741-1920 100
6028 6029 ETHNOS 0014-1844 1469-588X Ethnos 0014-1844 1469-588X 100
6076 6077 EURE-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE ESTUDIOS URBANO REGIONALES 0250-7161 0717-6236 Eure 0250-7161 0717-6236 100
6123 6124 European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1879-4912 1879-4920 European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1879-4912 100
6155 6156 European Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-5494 1460-3551 European Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-5494 100
6162 6163 European Journal of Education 0141-8211 1465-3435 European Journal of Education 0141-8211 100
6179 6180 European Journal of Health Economics 1618-7598 1618-7601 European Journal of Health Economics 1618-7598 1439-6637 100
6249 6250 European Journal of Political Economy 0176-2680 1873-5703 European Journal of Political Economy 0176-2680 100
6294 6295 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES 1350-5068 1461-7420 European Journal of Women’s Studies 1350-5068 100
6318 6319 European Political Science Review 1755-7739 1755-7747 European Political Science Review 1755-7739 1755-7747 100
6350 6351 EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS 1465-1165 1741-2757 European Union Politics 1465-1165 100
6351 6352 EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES 0969-7764 1461-7145 European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 100
6378 6379 EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 1060-1538 1520-6505 Evolutionary Anthropology 1060-1538 1520-6505 100
6470 6471 EXPOSITORY TIMES 0014-5246 1745-5308 Expository Times 0014-5246 100
6514 6515 FAMILY PROCESS 0014-7370 1545-5300 Family Process 0014-7370 1545-5300 100
6515 6516 FAMILY RELATIONS 0197-6664 1741-3729 Family Relations 0197-6664 1741-3729 100
6523 6524 Fashion Practice-The Journal of Design Creative Process & the Fashion Industry 1756-9370 1756-9389 Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 100
6537 6538 FEMINIST ECONOMICS 1354-5701 1466-4372 Feminist Economics 1354-5701 1466-4372 100
6539 6540 Feminist Media Studies 1468-0777 1471-5902 Feminist Media Studies 1468-0777 100
6567 6568 Field Methods 1525-822X 1552-3969 Field Methods 1525-822X 100
6573 6574 Film History 0892-2160 1553-3905 Film History: An International Journal 0892-2160 1553-3905 100
6575 6576 FILM QUARTERLY 0015-1386 1533-8630 Film Quarterly 0015-1386 100
6669 6670 FOLKLORE 0015-587X 1469-8315 Folklore 0015-587X 1469-8315 100
6958 6959 Games and Culture 1555-4120 1555-4139 Games and Culture 1555-4120 100
6994 6995 GENDER AND EDUCATION 0954-0253 1360-0516 Gender and Education 0954-0253 1360-0516 100
6995 6996 Gender and History 0953-5233 1468-0424 Gender and History 0953-5233 1468-0424 100
6997 6998 Gender in Management 1754-2413 1754-2421 Gender in Management 1754-2413 100
6999 7000 Gender Place and Culture 0966-369X 1360-0524 Gender, Place, and Culture 0966-369X 1360-0524 100
7001 7002 GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION 0968-6673 1468-0432 Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673 1468-0432 100
7104 7105 Geography Compass 1749-8198 1749-8198 Geography Compass 1749-8198 100
7183 7184 German History 0266-3554 1477-089X German History 0266-3554 1477-089X 100
7192 7193 GERMANIC REVIEW 0016-8890 1930-6962 The Germanic Review 0016-8890 1930-6962 100
7272 7273 GLOBAL NETWORKS-A JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL AFFAIRS 1470-2266 1471-0374 Global Networks 1470-2266 1471-0374 100
7282 7283 Globalization and Health 1744-8603 Globalization and Health 1744-8603 100
7287 7288 GLQ-A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES 1064-2684 1527-9375 Glq 1064-2684 100
7372 7373 HABITAT INTERNATIONAL 0197-3975 1873-5428 Habitat International 0197-3975 100
7397 7398 HARVARD JOURNAL OF ASIATIC STUDIES 0073-0548 1944-6454 100
7417 7418 HEALTH & PLACE 1353-8292 1873-2054 Health and Place 1353-8292 100
7418 7419 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY 0966-0410 1365-2524 Health and Social Care in the Community 0966-0410 100
7419 7420 HEALTH & SOCIAL WORK 0360-7283 1545-6854 Health and Social Work 0360-7283 1545-6854 100
7423 7424 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1477-7525 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1477-7525 100
7439 7440 HEALTH EXPECTATIONS 1369-6513 1369-7625 Health Expectations 1369-6513 1369-7625 100
7501 7502 HELIOS 0160-0923 1935-0228 Helios 0160-0923 1935-0228 100
7533 7534 Heritage and Society 2159-032X 2159-0338 Heritage and Society 2159-032X 2159-0338 100
7572 7573 HIGHER EDUCATION QUARTERLY 0951-5224 1468-2273 Higher Education Quarterly 0951-5224 0263-9769 100
7605 7606 Historia Critica 0121-1617 Historia Critica 0121-1617 100
7623 7624 Historic Environment-Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 Historic Environment: Policy and Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 100
7628 7629 HISTORICAL JOURNAL OF FILM RADIO AND TELEVISION 0143-9685 1465-3451 Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 0143-9685 100
7669 7670 HISTORY OF SCIENCE 0073-2753 1753-8564 History of Science 0073-2753 100
7686 7687 HOLOCAUST AND GENOCIDE STUDIES 8756-6583 1476-7937 Holocaust and Genocide Studies 8756-6583 1476-7937 100
7720 7721 Horror Studies 2040-3275 2040-3283 Horror Studies 2040-3275 2040-3283 100
7736 7737 Housing Theory & Society 1403-6096 1651-2278 Housing, Theory and Society 1403-6096 1651-2278 100
7772 7773 HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE 0167-9457 1872-7646 Human Movement Science 0167-9457 100
7774 7775 HUMAN NATURE-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE 1045-6767 1936-4776 Human Nature 1045-6767 100
7783 7784 Human Resource Development Quarterly 1044-8004 1532-1096 Human Resource Development Quarterly 1044-8004 1532-1096 100
7821 7822 Hypatia-A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 0887-5367 1527-2001 Hypatia 0887-5367 100
7865 7866 IDENTITIES-GLOBAL STUDIES IN CULTURE AND POWER 1070-289X 1547-3384 Identities 1070-289X 100
8110 8111 Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography 0308-5694 1479-7801 Imago Mundi 0308-5694 100
8233 8234 INDO-IRANIAN JOURNAL 0019-7246 1572-8536 Indo-Iranian Journal 0019-7246 100
8234 8235 Indonesia and the Malay World 1363-9811 1469-8382 Indonesia and the Malay World 1363-9811 1469-8382 100
8448 8449 Interaction Studies 1572-0373 1572-0381 Interaction Studies 1572-0373 1572-0381 100
8567 8568 International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 1050-8619 1532-7582 The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 1050-8619 100
8640 8641 International Journal of Asian Studies 1479-5914 1479-5922 International Journal of Asian Studies 1479-5914 100
8704 8705 International Journal of Childrens Spirituality 1364-436X 1469-8455 International Journal of Children’s Spirituality 1364-436X 100
8729 8730 International Journal of Communication 1932-8036 1932-8036 International Journal of Communication 1932-8036 100
8780 8781 International Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-8779 1460-356X International Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-8779 100
8833 8834 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0738-0593 1873-4871 International Journal of Educational Development 0738-0593 100
8986 8987 International Journal of Housing Policy 1461-6718 1473-3269 International Journal of Housing Policy 1949-1247 1949-1255 100
9166 9167 International Journal of Music Education 0255-7614 1744-795X International Journal of Music Education 0255-7614 1744-795X 100
9291 9292 International Journal of Public Health 1661-8556 1661-8564 International Journal of Public Health 1661-8556 1661-8564 100
9401 9402 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 1467-6370 1758-6739 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 1467-6370 100
9438 9439 International Journal of Tourism Research 1099-2340 1522-1970 International Journal of Tourism Research 1099-2340 1522-1970 100
9442 9443 International Journal of Transgenderism 1553-2739 1434-4599 International Journal of Transgenderism 1434-4599 100
9453 9454 International Journal of Urban Sciences 1226-5934 2161-6779 International Journal of Urban Sciences 1226-5934 2161-6779 100
9614 9615 Intractable & Rare Diseases Research 2186-3644 2186-361X Intractable and Rare Diseases Research 2186-3644 2186-361X 100
9687 9688 Iranica Antiqua 0021-0870 1783-1482 Iranica Antiqua 0021-0870 1783-1482 100
9688 9689 Iran-Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies 0578-6967 2396-9202 Iran 0578-6967 100
9712 9713 ISIS 0021-1753 1545-6994 Isis 0021-1753 1545-6994 100
9870 9872 JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW 0021-6682 1553-0604 The Jewish Quarterly Review 0021-6682 100
9886 9888 JNT-JOURNAL OF NARRATIVE THEORY 1549-0815 1548-9248 JNT-Journal of Narrative Theory 1549-0815 100
9905 9907 Journal Asiatique 0021-762X 1783-1504 Journal Asiatique 0021-762X 1783-1504 100
9932 9934 Journal for Semitics 1013-8471 1013-8471 100
9939 9941 Journal for the History of Modern Theology-Zeitschrift fur Neuere Theologiegeschichte 0943-7592 1612-9776 Journal for the History of Modern Theology 0943-7592 1612-9776 100
9940 9942 JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION 0021-8294 1468-5906 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 0021-8294 100
9942 9944 Journal for the Study of Judaism 0047-2212 1570-0631 Journal for the Study of Judaism 0047-2212 100
9948 9950 Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 1476-8690 1745-5197 Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 1476-8690 1745-5197 100
9949 9951 Journal for the Study of the New Testament 0142-064X 1745-5294 Journal for the Study of the New Testament 0142-064X 1745-5294 100
10030 10032 Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 2000-4214 2000-4214 Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 2000-4214 100
10040 10042 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN HISTORY 0021-8537 1469-5138 Journal of African History 0021-8537 1469-5138 100
10041 10043 Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 0167-6164 1613-3811 Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 0167-6164 1613-3811 100
10122 10124 Journal of Anthropological Sciences 1827-4765 2037-0644 Journal of Anthropological Sciences 1827-4765 100
10200 10202 JOURNAL OF ARABIC LITERATURE 0085-2376 1570-064X Journal of Arabic Literature 0085-2376 1570-064X 100
10210 10212 Journal of Architecture 1360-2365 1466-4410 Journal of Architecture 1360-2365 1466-4410 100
10268 10270 JOURNAL OF BALTIC STUDIES 0162-9778 1751-7877 Journal of Baltic Studies 0162-9778 100
10287 10289 Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education 1361-7672 1469-9362 Journal of Beliefs and Values 1361-7672 100
10336 10338 Journal of Bisexuality 1529-9716 1529-9724 Journal of Bisexuality 1529-9716 100
10353 10355 JOURNAL OF BRITISH STUDIES 0021-9371 1545-6986 Journal of British Studies 0021-9371 100
10461 10463 Journal of Children and Media 1748-2798 1748-2801 Journal of Children and Media 1748-2798 100
10465 10467 Journal of Chinese Cinemas 1750-8061 1750-807X Journal of Chinese Cinemas 1750-8061 1750-807X 100
10651 10653 Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1472-0817 1479-1838 Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1472-0817 100
10662 10664 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA 0047-2336 1752-7554 Journal of Contemporary Asia 0047-2336 100
10670 10672 Journal of Contemporary European Studies 1478-2804 1478-2790 Journal of Contemporary European Studies 1478-2804 1478-2790 100
10724 10726 JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 0022-0221 1552-5422 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 0022-0221 100
10730 10732 Journal of Cultural Economics 0885-2545 1573-6997 Journal of Cultural Economics 0885-2545 100
10731 10733 Journal of Cultural Economy 1753-0350 1753-0369 Journal of Cultural Economy 1753-0350 1753-0369 100
10733 10735 JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 1296-2074 1778-3674 Journal of Cultural Heritage 1296-2074 100
10747 10749 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1081-4159 1465-7325 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1081-4159 1465-7325 100
10791 10793 Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1044-2073 1538-4802 Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1044-2073 100
10830 10832 Journal of Eastern African Studies 1753-1055 1753-1063 Journal of Eastern African Studies 1753-1055 1753-1063 100
10834 10836 JOURNAL OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 0022-0469 1469-7637 Journal of Ecclesiastical History 0022-0469 1469-7637 100
10887 10889 Journal of Egyptian History 1874-1657 1874-1665 Journal of Egyptian History 1874-1657 1874-1665 100
11019 11021 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 1746-4269 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 1746-4269 100
11078 11080 JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES 0192-513X 1552-5481 Journal of Family Issues 0192-513X 100
11244 11246 JOURNAL OF GLASS STUDIES 0075-4250 Journal of Glass Studies 0075-4250 100
11279 11281 Journal of Happiness Studies 1389-4978 1573-7780 Journal of Happiness Studies 1389-4978 100
11349 11351 Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education 1473-8376 Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education 1473-8376 100
11412 11414 JOURNAL OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY 0022-1791 1573-0395 Journal of Indian Philosophy 0022-1791 100
11415 11417 JOURNAL OF INDO-EUROPEAN STUDIES 0092-2323 0092-2323 The Journal of Indo-European Studies 0092-2323 100
11509 11511 Journal of Intercultural Studies 0725-6868 1469-9540 Journal of Intercultural Studies 0725-6868 100
11519 11521 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 1751-3057 1751-3065 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 1751-3057 1751-3065 100
11550 11552 JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE 0886-2605 1552-6518 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 0886-2605 100
11571 11573 Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 1878-4631 1878-464X Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 1878-4631 1878-464X 100
11575 11577 Journal of Israeli History 1353-1042 1744-0548 Journal of Israeli History 1353-1042 1744-0548 100
11579 11581 Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 2047-7368 2047-7376 Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 2047-7368 2047-7376 100
11625 11627 Journal of Late Antiquity 1939-6716 1942-1273 100
11629 11631 JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES 0022-216X 1469-767X Journal of Latin American Studies 0022-216X 1469-767X 100
11667 11669 Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1055-1360 1548-1395 Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1055-1360 100
11718 11720 Journal of Management Spirituality & Religion 1476-6086 1942-258X Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion 1476-6086 100
11748 11750 JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CULTURE 1359-1835 1460-3586 Journal of Material Culture 1359-1835 100
11804 11806 Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications 1864-1105 2151-2388 Journal of Media Psychology 1864-1105 100
11891 11893 JOURNAL OF MODERN GREEK STUDIES 0738-1727 1086-3265 Journal of Modern Greek Studies 0738-1727 1086-3265 100
11931 11933 JOURNAL OF MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT 0883-8534 2161-1912 Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 0883-8534 100
11970 11972 JOURNAL OF NEAR EASTERN STUDIES 0022-2968 1545-6978 Journal of Near Eastern studies 0022-2968 100
12024 12026 JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH 0929-8215 1744-5027 Journal of New Music Research 0929-8215 100
12067 12069 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR 1499-4046 1878-2620 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 1499-4046 100
12234 12236 Journal of Persianate Studies 1874-7094 1874-7167 Journal of Persianate Studies 1874-7094 1874-7167 100
12297 12299 Journal of Physiological Anthropology 1880-6805 1880-6805 Journal of Physiological Anthropology 1880-6791 1880-6805 100
12337 12339 Journal of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture 1612-5681 1613-4877 Journal of Politeness Research 1612-5681 100
12369 12371 Journal of Positive Psychology 1743-9760 1743-9779 Journal of Positive Psychology 1743-9760 1743-9779 100
12428 12430 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY 0091-6471 2328-1162 Journal of Psychology and Theology 0091-6471 100
12469 12471 Journal of Quranic Studies 1465-3591 1755-1730 Journal of Qur’anic Studies 1465-3591 1755-1730 100
12493 12495 Journal of Refugee Studies 0951-6328 1471-6925 Journal of Refugee Studies 0951-6328 1471-6925 100
12495 12497 JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 0022-4146 1467-9787 Journal of Regional Science 0022-4146 1467-9787 100
12502 12504 JOURNAL OF RELIGION 0022-4189 1549-6538 Journal of Religion 0022-4189 1549-6538 100
12506 12508 JOURNAL OF RELIGION IN AFRICA 0022-4200 1570-0666 Journal of Religion in Africa 0022-4200 100
12512 12514 JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS ETHICS 0384-9694 1467-9795 Journal of Religious Ethics 0384-9694 1467-9795 100
12513 12515 JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY 0022-4227 1467-9809 Journal of Religious History 0022-4227 100
12535 12537 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MUSIC EDUCATION 0022-4294 1945-0095 Journal of Research in Music Education 0022-4294 100
12572 12574 JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES 0743-0167 Journal of Rural Studies 0743-0167 100
12578 12580 Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 2042-7891 2042-7905 Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 2042-7891 2042-7905 100
12580 12582 JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING 1198-9742 1710-1166 Journal of Scholarly Publishing 1198-9742 100
12624 12626 Journal of Shia Islamic Studies 1748-9423 Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies 1748-9423 100
12641 12643 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS 0265-4075 1460-3608 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 0265-4075 100
12650 12652 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY 0047-2794 1469-7823 Journal of Social Policy 0047-2794 1469-7823 100
12684 12686 Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 1463-6204 1469-9818 Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 1463-6204 1469-9818 100
12796 12798 Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2212-2672 2212-2680 Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2212-2672 100
12908 12910 Journal of the History of Collections 0954-6650 1477-8564 Journal of the History of Collections 0954-6650 1477-8564 100
12909 12911 Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1053-8372 1469-9656 Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1053-8372 1469-9656 100
12991 12993 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 1359-0987 1467-9655 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1359-0987 100
13008 13010 Journal of the Society for American Music 1752-1963 1752-1971 Journal of the Society for American Music 1752-1963 1752-1971 100
13011 13013 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 0037-9808 2150-5926 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 0037-9808 100
13092 13094 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 1054-8408 1540-7306 Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 1054-8408 1540-7306 100
13113 13115 JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS 0735-2166 1467-9906 Journal of Urban Affairs 0735-2166 100
13123 13125 JOURNAL OF URBAN TECHNOLOGY 1063-0732 1466-1853 Journal of Urban Technology 1063-0732 1466-1853 100
13159 13161 Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 100
13170 13172 JOURNAL OF VISUAL CULTURE 1470-4129 1741-2994 Journal of Visual Culture 1470-4129 100
13227 13229 Journal of Youth Studies 1367-6261 1469-9680 Journal of Youth Studies 1367-6261 1469-9680 100
13237 13239 JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY 1077-6990 2161-430X Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 1077-6990 100
13239 13241 Journalism Studies 1461-670X 1469-9699 Journalism Studies 1461-670X 1469-9699 100
13241 13243 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 1079-5014 1758-5368 Journals of Gerontology – Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 1079-5014 100
13252 13254 Judgment and Decision Making 1930-2975 1930-2975 Judgment and Decision Making 1930-2975 100
13398 13400 LABOR HISTORY 0023-656X 1469-9702 Labor History 0023-656X 1469-9702 100
13432 13434 LAND ECONOMICS 0023-7639 1543-8325 Land Economics 0023-7639 100
13453 13455 Language and Dialogue 2210-4119 2210-4127 Language and Dialogue 2210-4119 2210-4127 100
13502 13504 LATE IMPERIAL CHINA 0884-3236 1086-3257 Late imperial China = Ch’ing shih wen t’i 0884-3236 1086-3257 100
13515 13517 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY 1531-426X 1548-2456 Latin American Politics and Society 1531-426X 1548-2456 100
13526 13528 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 0023-9216 1540-5893 Law and Society Review 0023-9216 1540-5893 100
13561 13563 LEARNING DISABILITY QUARTERLY 0731-9487 2168-376X Learning Disability Quarterly 0731-9487 100
13583 13585 LEISURE SCIENCES 0149-0400 1521-0588 Leisure Sciences 0149-0400 1521-0588 100
13584 13586 Leisure Studies 0261-4367 1466-4496 Leisure Studies 0261-4367 1466-4496 100
13616 13618 LIBRARY 0024-2160 1744-8581 Library 0024-2160 100
13618 13620 LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH 0740-8188 1873-1848 Library and Information Science Research 0740-8188 100
13946 13948 Mass Communication and Society 1520-5436 1532-7825 Mass Communication and Society 1520-5436 100
14113 14115 MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY 0163-4437 1460-3675 Media, Culture and Society 0163-4437 100
14127 14129 Medical Anthropology 0145-9740 1545-5882 Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 0145-9740 100
14132 14134 MEDICAL DECISION MAKING 0272-989X 1552-681X Medical Decision Making 0272-989X 100
14140 14142 Medical Humanities 1468-215X 1473-4265 Medical Humanities 1468-215X 1473-4265 100
14184 14186 Medieval Mystical Theology 2046-5726 2046-5734 100
14200 14202 Mediterranean Politics 1362-9395 1743-9418 Meditteranean Politics 1362-9395 100
14220 14222 MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 MELUS 0163-755X 100
14233 14235 Memory Studies 1750-6980 1750-6999 Memory Studies 1750-6980 100
14234 14236 Men and Masculinities 1097-184X 1552-6828 Men and Masculinities 1097-184X 100
14413 14415 MINERVA 0026-4695 1573-1871 Minerva 0026-4695 1573-1871 100
14429 14431 Ming Studies 0147-037X 1759-7595 Ming studies 0147-037X 1759-7595 100
14476 14478 Mobile Media & Communication 2050-1579 2050-1587 Mobile Media and Communication 2050-1579 2050-1587 100
14487 14489 MODERN CHINA 0097-7004 1552-6836 Modern China 0097-7004 100
14490 14492 Modern Intellectual History 1479-2443 1479-2451 Modern Intellectual History 1479-2443 1479-2451 100
14493 14495 MODERN JUDAISM 0276-1114 1086-3273 Modern Judaism 0276-1114 1086-3273 100
14507 14509 MODERNISM-MODERNITY 1071-6068 1080-6601 Modernism/Modernity 1071-6068 100
14598 14600 MONOGRAPHS OF THE SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT 0037-976X 1540-5834 Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 0037-976X 1540-5834 100
14606 14608 MONTHLY REVIEW-AN INDEPENDENT SOCIALIST MAGAZINE 0027-0520 0027-0520 Monthly Review 0027-0520 100
14634 14636 Moving Image 1532-3978 1542-4235 The Moving Image 1532-3978 100
14674 14676 Museum Management and Curatorship 0964-7775 1872-9185 Museum Management and Curatorship 0964-7775 1872-9185 100
14677 14679 MUSIC & LETTERS 0027-4224 1477-4631 Music and Letters 0027-4224 1477-4631 100
14766 14768 Narrative Works-Issues Investigations & Interventions 1925-0622 1925-0622 100
14779 14781 Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 1353-7113 1557-2986 Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 1353-7113 100
14780 14782 Nationalities Papers-The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 0090-5992 1465-3923 Nationalities Papers 0090-5992 1465-3923 100
14781 14783 Nations and Nationalism 1354-5078 1469-8129 Nations and Nationalism 1354-5078 1469-8129 100
15062 15064 NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS 0028-7504 The New York Review of Books 0028-7504 100
15139 15141 Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 0809-7291 1890-7008 Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 0809-7291 1890-7008 100
15180 15182 NOTTINGHAM FRENCH STUDIES 0029-4586 2047-7236 Nottingham French Studies 0029-4586 100
15249 15251 NUMEN-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW FOR THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS 0029-5973 1568-5276 Numen 1568-5276 0029-5973 100
15315 15317 Obesity 1930-7381 1930-739X Obesity 1930-7381 100
15444 15446 Open Theology 2300-6579 2300-6579 Open Theology 2300-6579 100
15578 15581 OSIRIS 0369-7827 1933-8287 Osiris 0369-7827 100
15608 15611 OXFORD REVIEW OF ECONOMIC POLICY 0266-903X 1460-2121 Oxford Review of Economic Policy 0266-903X 1460-2121 100
15623 15626 PACIFIC HISTORICAL REVIEW 0030-8684 Pacific Historical Review 0030-8684 100
15719 15723 Papers of the British School at Rome 0068-2462 2045-239X Papers of the British School at Rome 0068-2462 100
15736 15740 Parenting-Science and Practice 1529-5192 1532-7922 Parenting 1529-5192 1532-7922 100
15783 15787 PATTERNS OF PREJUDICE 0031-322X 1461-7331 Patterns of Prejudice 0031-322X 1461-7331 100
15861 15865 PERFORMANCE RESEARCH 1352-8165 1469-9990 Performance Research 1352-8165 100
15910 15914 PERSPECTIVES ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH 1538-6341 1931-2393 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 1538-6341 100
15975 15979 Philippine Studies-Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2244-1093 2244-1638 Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2244-1093 2244-1638 100
15999 16003 PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY 0951-5089 1465-394X Philosophical Psychology 0951-5089 1465-394X 100
16172 16176 Planning Perspectives 0266-5433 1466-4518 Planning Perspectives 0266-5433 1466-4518 100
16248 16252 Pneuma 0272-0965 1570-0747 Pneuma 0272-0965 1570-0747 100
16319 16323 POLITICAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY 1065-9129 1938-274X Political Research Quarterly 1065-9129 100
16320 16324 POLITICAL SCIENCE 0032-3187 2041-0611 Political Science 0032-3187 100
16330 16334 Politics 0263-3957 1467-9256 Politics 0263-3957 1467-9256 100
16331 16335 Politics & Gender 1743-923X 1743-9248 Politics & Gender 1743-923X 1743-9248 100
16333 16337 POLITICS & SOCIETY 0032-3292 1552-7514 Politics and Society 0032-3292 100
16334 16338 Politics and Governance 2183-2463 2183-2463 Politics and Governance 2183-2463 100
16335 16339 Politics and Religion 1755-0483 1755-0491 Politics and Religion 1755-0483 100
16373 16377 Popular Music 0261-1430 1474-0095 Popular Music 0261-1430 1474-0095 100
16396 16400 Positions-Asia Critique 1067-9847 1527-8271 Positions 1067-9847 1527-8271 100
16398 16402 Postcolonial Studies 1368-8790 1466-1888 Postcolonial Studies 1368-8790 1466-1888 100
16760 16764 Psychology & Sexuality 1941-9899 1941-9902 Psychology and Sexuality 1941-9899 1941-9902 100
16771 16775 Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts 1931-3896 1931-390X Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 1931-3896 1931-390X 100
16773 16777 Psychology of Music 0305-7356 1741-3087 Psychology of Music 0305-7356 1741-3087 100
16826 16830 Public Library Quarterly 0161-6846 1541-1540 Public Library Quarterly 0161-6846 1541-1540 100
16836 16840 PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE 0963-6625 1361-6609 Public Understanding of Science 0963-6625 100
16851 16855 PUBLIUS-THE JOURNAL OF FEDERALISM 0048-5950 1747-7107 Publius 0048-5950 100
16887 16891 QUALITATIVE INQUIRY 1077-8004 1552-7565 Qualitative Inquiry 1077-8004 100
16896 16900 Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health 2159-676X 2159-6778 Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 2159-676X 2159-6778 100
16910 16914 QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH 0962-9343 1573-2649 Quality of Life Research 0962-9343 1573-2649 100
16941 16945 QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 1040-6182 1873-4553 Quaternary International 1040-6182 100
16965 16969 Race and Social Problems 1867-1748 1867-1756 Race and Social Problems 1867-1756 1867-1748 100
16966 16970 Race Ethnicity and Education 1361-3324 1470-109X Race Ethnicity and Education 1361-3324 1470-109X 100
16977 16981 RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW 0163-6545 Radical history review 0163-6545 1534-1453 100
17030 17034 Ratio 0034-0006 1467-9329 Ratio 0034-0006 1467-9329 100
17106 17110 Regional Environmental Change 1436-3798 1436-378X Regional Environmental Change 1436-3798 100
17139 17143 Religion & Education 1550-7394 1949-8381 Religion and Education 1550-7394 1949-8381 100
17140 17144 Religion & Human Rights 1871-031X 1871-0328 Religion and Human Rights 1871-031X 1871-0328 100
17142 17146 RELIGION AND AMERICAN CULTURE-A JOURNAL OF INTERPRETATION 1052-1151 1533-8568 Religion and American Culture 1052-1151 100
17145 17149 Religion and Theology-A Journal of Contemporary Religious Discourse 1023-0807 1574-3012 Religion and Theology 1023-0807 1574-3012 100
17150 17154 Religions 2077-1444 2077-1444 Religions 2077-1444 100
17152 17156 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 0034-4087 1547-3201 Religious Education 0034-4087 1547-3201 100
17155 17159 RELIGIOUS STUDIES 0034-4125 1469-901X Religious Studies 0034-4125 1469-901X 100
17160 17164 REMEDIAL AND SPECIAL EDUCATION 0741-9325 1538-4756 Remedial and Special Education 0741-9325 100
17189 17193 REPRESENTATIONS 0734-6018 1533-855X Representations 0734-6018 100
17197 17201 Reproductive Health 1742-4755 Reproductive Health 1742-4755 100
17244 17248 Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy 1551-7411 1934-8150 Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 1551-7411 100
17259 17263 RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE 1049-7315 1552-7581 Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 100
17260 17264 Research Papers in Education 0267-1522 1470-1146 Research Papers in Education 0267-1522 100
17264 17268 Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 1834-5530 Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 1834-5530 100
17270 17274 RESOURCE AND ENERGY ECONOMICS 0928-7655 1873-0221 Resources and Energy Economics 0928-7655 100
17295 17299 Reti Medievali Rivista 1593-2214 Reti Medievali Rivista 1593-2214 100
17312 17316 Review of African Political Economy 0305-6244 1740-1720 Review of African Political Economy 0305-6244 100
17332 17336 Review of Economics of the Household 1569-5239 1573-7152 Review of Economics of the Household 1569-5239 1573-7152 100
17348 17352 Review of International Economics 0965-7576 1467-9396 Review of International Economics 0965-7576 1467-9396 100
17351 17355 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 0260-2105 1469-9044 Review of International Studies 0260-2105 1469-9044 100
17362 17366 Review of Policy Research 1541-132X 1541-1338 Review of Policy Research 1541-132X 1541-1338 100
17370 17374 REVIEW OF RELIGIOUS RESEARCH 0034-673X 2211-4866 Review of Religious Research 0034-673X 100
17542 17546 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS HISPANICOS 0034-818X 0034-818X Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 0034-818X 100
17571 17575 Revista de Historia Economica 0212-6109 2041-3335 Revista de Historia Economica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 0212-6109 100
17670 17674 Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas 0210-5233 1988-5903 Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas 0210-5233 100
17882 17886 REVUE HISTORIQUE 0035-3264 2104-3825 Revue Historique 0035-3264 100
17925 17929 RIDE-The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 1356-9783 1470-112X Research in Drama Education 1356-9783 1470-112X 100
17991 17995 Romani Studies 1528-0748 1757-2274 Romani Studies 1528-0748 100
18013 18017 ROMANTISME 0048-8593 1957-7958 Romantisme 0048-8593 100
18073 18077 RUSSIAN REVIEW 0036-0341 1467-9434 Russian Review 0036-0341 100
18103 18107 Safundi-The Journal of South African and American Studies 1753-3171 1543-1304 Safundi 1753-3171 100
18227 18231 SCIENCE COMMUNICATION 1075-5470 1552-8545 Science Communication 1075-5470 100
18231 18235 Science Fiction Film and Television 1754-3770 1754-3789 100
18400 18404 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 0268-117X 2050-4616 Seventeenth Century 0268-117X 100
18403 18407 SEX ROLES 0360-0025 1573-2762 Sex Roles 0360-0025 1573-2762 100
18413 18417 Sexualities 1363-4607 1461-7382 Sexualities 1363-4607 100
18416 18420 Sexuality Research and Social Policy 1868-9884 1553-6610 Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC 1868-9884 1553-6610 100
18473 18477 SIGNS 0097-9740 1545-6943 Signs 0097-9740 1545-6943 100
18495 18499 Sixties-A Journal of History Politics and Culture 1754-1328 1754-1336 The Sixties 1754-1328 1754-1336 100
18555 18559 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1749-5016 1749-5024 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1749-5024 1749-5016 100
18556 18560 SOCIAL COMPASS 0037-7686 1461-7404 Social Compass 0037-7686 100
18564 18568 SOCIAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE 0951-631X 1477-4666 Social History of Medicine 0951-631X 1477-4666 100
18567 18571 SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 0303-8300 1573-0921 Social Indicators Research 0303-8300 1573-0921 100
18570 18574 Social Justice Research 0885-7466 1573-6725 Social Justice Research 0885-7466 1573-6725 100
18572 18576 Social Media + Society 2056-3051 2056-3051 Social Media and Society 2056-3051 100
18580 18584 SOCIAL POLITICS 1072-4745 1468-2893 Social Politics 1072-4745 1468-2893 100
18592 18596 SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY 0145-5532 1527-8034 Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 100
18600 18604 Social Semiotics 1035-0330 1470-1219 Social Semiotics 1035-0330 1470-1219 100
18632 18636 SOCIOLOGIA RURALIS 0038-0199 1467-9523 Sociologia Ruralis 0038-0199 1467-9523 100
18653 18657 SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS 0141-9889 1467-9566 Sociology of Health and Illness 0141-9889 1467-9566 100
18712 18716 Souls 1099-9949 1548-3843 Souls 1099-9949 1548-3843 100
18767 18771 South Asian Studies 0266-6030 2153-2699 South Asian Studies 0266-6030 2153-2699 100
18768 18772 SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY 0038-2876 1527-8026 South Atlantic Quarterly 0038-2876 100
18783 18787 Southern African Humanities 1681-5564 Southern African Humanities 1681-5564 100
18806 18810 Space and Culture 1206-3312 1552-8308 Space and Culture 1206-3312 100
18858 18862 Sport in Society 1743-0437 1743-0445 Sport in Society 1743-0437 1743-0445 100
19059 19063 Studies in Documentary Film 1750-3280 1750-3299 Studies in Documentary Film 1750-3280 1750-3299 100
19067 19071 Studies in French Cinema 1471-5880 1758-9517 Studies in French Cinema 1471-5880 1758-9517 100
19079 19083 Studies in Musical Theatre 1750-3159 1750-3167 100
19270 19274 TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 1356-2517 1470-1294 Teaching in Higher Education 1356-2517 1470-1294 100
19326 19330 Teksty Drugie 0867-0633 Teksty Drugie 0867-0633 100
19327 19331 Tel Aviv-Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University 0334-4355 2040-4786 Tel Aviv 0334-4355 100
19347 19351 TEMPO 0040-2982 1478-2286 Tempo 0040-2982 1478-2286 100
19352 19356 TEMPS MODERNES 0040-3075 Temps Modernes 0040-3075 100
19393 19397 Text and Performance Quarterly 1046-2937 1479-5760 Text and Performance Quarterly 1046-2937 100
19410 19414 THEATRE JOURNAL 0192-2882 1086-332X Theatre Journal 0192-2882 100
19586 19590 Tourism Geographies 1461-6688 1470-1340 Tourism Geographies 1461-6688 1470-1340 100
19709 19713 Translator 1355-6509 1757-0409 100
19778 19782 Trends in Classics 1866-7473 1866-7481 100
19835 19839 TULSA STUDIES IN WOMENS LITERATURE 0732-7730 Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature 0732-7730 1936-1645 100
19981 19985 URBAN AFFAIRS REVIEW 1078-0874 1552-8332 Urban Affairs Review 1078-0874 100
19985 19989 URBAN EDUCATION 0042-0859 1552-8340 Urban Education 0042-0859 100
19987 19991 URBAN GEOGRAPHY 0272-3638 1938-2847 Urban Geography 0272-3638 100
19988 19992 Urban History 0963-9268 1469-8706 Urban History 0963-9268 1469-8706 100
19993 19997 Urban Policy and Research 0811-1146 1476-7244 Urban Policy and Research 0811-1146 1476-7244 100
20023 20027 Utopian Studies 1045-991X 2154-9648 Utopian studies 1045-991X 2154-9648 100
20057 20061 Vestnik Drevnei Istorii-Journal of Ancient History 0321-0391 0321-0391 Vestnik Drevnei Istorii 0321-0391 100
20067 20071 Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta-Iskusstvovedenie 2221-3007 2542-2243 Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Iskusstvovedenie 2221-3007 2542-2243 100
20112 20116 VIATOR-MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES 0083-5897 2031-0234 Viator – Medieval and Renaissance Studies 0083-5897 100
20116 20120 VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE 1060-1503 1470-1553 Victorian Literature and Culture 1060-1503 1470-1553 100
20117 20121 Victorian Periodicals Review 0709-4698 1712-526X Victorian Periodicals Review 0709-4698 1712-526X 100
20131 20135 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 1077-8012 1552-8448 Violence Against Women 1077-8012 100
20161 20165 Visual Anthropology Review 1058-7187 1548-7458 Visual Anthropology Review 1058-7187 1548-7458 100
20169 20173 Visual Resources 0197-3762 1477-2809 Visual Resources 0197-3762 100
20170 20174 Visual Studies 1472-586X 1472-5878 Visual Studies 1472-586X 1472-5878 100
20327 20331 WOMENS HEALTH ISSUES 1049-3867 1878-4321 Women’s Health Issues 1049-3867 100
20337 20341 WORD & IMAGE 0266-6286 1943-2178 Word and Image 0266-6286 100
20355 20359 World Englishes 0883-2919 1467-971X World Englishes 0883-2919 100
20409 20413 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 0741-0883 1552-8472 Written Communication 0741-0883 100
20433 20437 YOUTH & SOCIETY 0044-118X 1552-8499 Youth and Society 0044-118X 100
20454 20458 ZEITSCHRIFT DES DEUTSCHEN PALASTINA-VEREINS 0012-1169 Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins 0012-1169 100
20561 20565 Zutot 1571-7283 1875-0214 Zutot 1571-7283 1875-0214 100
20741 20745 Africa Review 0974-4053 0974-4061 100
20905 20909 Annals of the Naprstek Museum 0231-844X 2533-5685 100
21009 21013 Archeo-Nil 1161-0492 100
21230 21234 Bioarchaeology of the Near East 1898-9403 1899-962X 100
21339 21343 British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies 0141-867X 100
21513 21517 Central Asia and the Caucasus 1404-6091 1403-7068 100
21609 21613 CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 100
21805 21810 Creativity Studies 2345-0479 2345-0487 100
22005 22010 Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2212-0548 100
22219 22225 Environment and Society-Advances in Research 2150-6779 2150-6787 Environment and Society: Advances in Research 2150-6779 2150-6787 100
23605 23613 Ius Canonicum 0021-325X 2254-6219 100
23920 23929 Journal of Coptic Studies 1016-5584 100
24003 24012 Journal of Ethnic Foods 2352-6181 100
24053 24062 Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 2150-4857 2150-4865 100
24184 24193 Journal of Media Ethics 2373-6992 2373-700X Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality 2373-6992 2373-700X 100
24532 24542 Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 1072-8325 100
24740 24750 Literature-Film Quarterly 0090-4260 100
25041 25051 Muqarnas 0732-2992 100
25208 25219 Northern Lights 1601-829X 2040-0586 100
25637 25648 Porn Studies 2326-8743 2326-8751 100
25790 25801 Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 2329-0382 2329-0390 100
26175 26186 Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archeologie Orientale 0373-6032 100
26363 26375 Script and Print 1834-9013 100
27217 27229 Zeventiende Eeuw 0921-142X 100
10 10 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 1619-4500 1614-2411 4OR 1619-4500 1614-2411 70
12 12 A + U-ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM 0389-9160 A + U-Architecture and Urbanism 0389-9160 70
22 22 Ab Imperio-Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space 2166-4072 2164-9731 Ab Imperio 2164-9731 70
30 30 Aboriginal History 0314-8769 1837-9389 70
160 160 Acta Baltico-Slavica 0065-1044 Acta Baltico-Slavica 0065-1044 70
171 171 Acta Borealia 0800-3831 1503-111X Acta Borealia 0800-3831 1503-111X 70
229 229 Acta Koreana 1520-7412 Acta Koreana 1520-7412 70
276 276 Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1588-2667 0001-6446 Acta Orientalia 0001-6446 1588-2667 70
307 307 ACTA POLONIAE HISTORICA 0001-6829 0001-6829 Acta Poloniae Historica 0001-6829 70
315 315 ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA 0001-6918 1873-6297 Acta Psychologica 0001-6918 70
409 409 Adoption and Fostering 0308-5759 1740-469X Adoption & Fostering 0308-5759 1740-469X 70
410 410 Adoption Quarterly 1092-6755 1544-452X Adoption Quarterly 1092-6755 70
501 501 Advances in Integrative Medicine 2212-9626 Advances in Integrative Medicine 2212-9588 2212-9596 70
569 569 AFFILIA-JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK 0886-1099 1552-3020 Affilia – Journal of Women and Social Work 0886-1099 70
572 572 AFRICA 0001-9720 1750-0184 Africa 0001-9720 70
574 574 Africa Spectrum 0002-0397 1868-6869 Afrika Spectrum 0002-0397 70
576 576 AFRICAN AMERICAN REVIEW 1062-4783 1945-6182 African American Review 1062-4783 70
583 583 AFRICAN ECONOMIC HISTORY 0145-2258 2163-9108 African Economic History 0145-2258 70
585 585 African Geographical Review 1937-6812 2163-2642 African Geographical Review 1937-6812 70
620 620 African Natural History 2305-7963 2305-7963 African Natural History 1816-8396 70
627 627 AFRICAN STUDIES 0002-0184 1469-2872 African Studies 0002-0184 1469-2872 70
734 734 Ajalooline Ajakiri-The Estonian Historical Journal 1406-3859 2228-3897 Ajalooline Ajakiri 1406-3859 2228-3897 70
743 743 Akkadica 1378-5087 0779-7842 Akkadica 1378-5087 0779-7842 70
789 789 Al-Jamiah-Journal of Islamic Studies 0126-012X 2338-557X Al-Jami’ah 0126-012X 2338-557X 70
805 805 Al-Masaq-Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 0950-3110 1473-348X Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 0950-3110 1473-348X 70
844 844 AMERICAN BOOK REVIEW 0149-9408 2153-4578 American Book Review 0149-9408 70
866 866 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORY 0164-0178 1086-3141 American Jewish history 0164-0178 1086-3141 70
892 892 American Journal of Cultural Sociology 2049-7113 2049-7121 American Journal of Cultural Sociology 2049-7121 70
1109 1109 Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 0929-077X 1570-0577 Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 0929-077X 70
1111 1111 Ancient Near Eastern Studies 1378-4641 1783-1326 Ancient Near Eastern Studies 1378-4641 1783-1326 70
1125 1125 ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES 0969-725X 1469-2899 Angelaki 0969-725X 1469-2899 70
1257 1257 Annals of Leisure Research 1174-5398 2159-6816 Annals of Leisure Research 1174-5398 2159-6816 70
1338 1338 ANTHROPOLOGIE 0003-5521 1873-5827 Anthropologie 0003-5521 70
1340 1340 Anthropologie-International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution 0323-1119 0323-1119 Anthropologie (Czech Republic) 0323-1119 2570-9127 70
1341 1341 ANTHROPOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER 0003-5548 0003-5548 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 0003-5548 70
1346 1346 Anthropology of Consciousness 1053-4202 1556-3537 Anthropology of Consciousness 1053-4202 1556-3537 70
1347 1347 Anthropology of Work Review 0883-024X 1548-1417 Anthropology of Work Review 0883-024X 70
1349 1349 Anthropology Today 0268-540X 1467-8322 Anthropology Today 0268-540X 70
1350 1350 ANTHROPOS 0257-9774 Anthropos 0257-9774 70
1409 1409 Apeiron-A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 0003-6390 2156-7093 70
1410 1410 APERTURE 0003-6420 0003-6420 Aperture 0003-6420 70
1472 1472 Applied Geophysics 1672-7975 1993-0658 Applied Geophysics 1672-7975 70
1581 1581 Archaeological Journal 0066-5983 2373-2288 70
1587 1587 Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 1563-0110 1531-832X Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 1563-0110 70
1597 1597 Archipel-Etudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 0044-8613 2104-3655 Archipel 0044-8613 2104-3655 70
1621 1621 Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete 0066-6459 1867-1551 Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete 0066-6459 70
1623 1623 ARCHIV FUR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE-ARCHIVE FOR REFORMATION HISTORY 0003-9381 2198-0489 Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 0003-9381 70
1630 1630 Archive for the Psychology of Religion-Archiv fur Religionspsychologie 0084-6724 1573-6121 Archive for the Psychology of Religion 0084-6724 70
1634 1634 Archives and Records-The Journal of the Archives and Records Association 2325-7962 2325-7989 Archives and Records 2325-7962 2325-7989 70
1662 1662 Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice Edition 1743-0585 1743-0593 Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education and Practice Edition 1743-0585 1743-0593 70
1748 1748 ARION-A JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND THE CLASSICS 0095-5809 Arion – Journal of Humanities and the Classics 0095-5809 70
1750 1750 Arizona Quarterly 0004-1610 1558-9595 Arizona Quarterly 0004-1610 1558-9595 70
1784 1784 Art Design & Communication in Higher Education 1474-273X 2040-0896 Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 1474-273X 70
1787 1787 ART IN AMERICA 0004-3214 0004-3214 Art in America 0004-3214 70
1791 1791 Arte Individuo y Sociedad 1988-2408 Arte, Individuo y Sociedad 1131-5598 1988-2408 70
1793 1793 Arte y Politicas de Identidad 1889-979X 1989-8452 70
1829 1829 Arts & Health 1753-3015 1753-3023 Arts and Health 1753-3015 1753-3023 70
1830 1830 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 1474-0222 1741-265X Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 1474-0222 70
1833 1833 ARTS OF ASIA 0004-4083 Arts of Asia 0004-4083 70
1844 1844 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 2050-2680 2050-2680 Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies 2050-2680 70
1845 1845 Asia Europe Journal 1610-2932 1612-1031 Asia Europe Journal 1610-2932 70
1848 1848 Asia Pacific Education Review 1598-1037 1876-407X Asia Pacific Education Review 1598-1037 70
1849 1849 Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 1444-2213 1740-9314 Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 1444-2213 70
1861 1861 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1094-1665 1741-6507 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1094-1665 1741-6507 70
1871 1871 Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 0117-1968 2057-049X Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 0117-1968 70
1876 1876 Asian Cinema 1059-440X 2049-6710 70
1882 1882 Asian Ethnicity 1463-1369 1469-2953 Asian Ethnicity 1463-1369 1469-2953 70
1916 1916 ASIAN MUSIC 0044-9202 1553-5630 70
1931 1931 Asian Studies Review 1035-7823 1467-8403 Asian Studies Review 1035-7823 1467-8403 70
1932 1932 Asian Studies-Azijske Studije 2232-5131 2350-4226 Asian Studies 2232-5131 2350-4226 70
1933 1933 ASIAN SURVEY 0004-4687 1533-838X Asian Survey 0004-4687 70
1937 1937 ASIANetwork Exchange-A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts 1943-9946 70
2008 2008 ATHENAEUM-STUDI PERIODICI DI LETTERATURA E STORIA DELL ANTICHITA 0004-6574 0004-6574 Athenaeum 0004-6574 70
2119 2119 Australian Humanities Review 1835-8063 1325-8338 70
2125 2125 Australian Journal of Anthropology 1035-8811 1757-6547 The Australian Journal of Anthropology 1035-8811 70
2137 2137 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF FRENCH STUDIES 0004-9468 2046-2913 Australian Journal of French Studies 0004-9468 70
2153 2153 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES 1839-4655 1839-4655 Australian Journal of Social Issues 0157-6321 70
2239 2239 BALLET REVIEW 0522-0653 Ballet Review 0522-0653 70
2337 2337 Biblical Interpretation-A Journal of Contemporary Approaches 0927-2569 1568-5152 Biblical Interpretation 0927-2569 70
2340 2340 Bibliofilia 0006-0941 2035-6110 70
2347 2347 BIBLISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 0006-2014 0006-2014 Biblische Zeitschrift 0006-2014 70
2352 2352 BIJDRAGEN TOT DE TAAL- LAND- EN VOLKENKUNDE 0006-2294 0006-2294 Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 0006-2294 70
2399 2399 Biodemography and Social Biology 1948-5565 1948-5573 Biodemography and Social Biology 1948-5565 70
2578 2578 Black Camera 1536-3155 1947-4237 Black Camera 1536-3155 1947-4237 70
2579 2579 BLACK MUSIC RESEARCH JOURNAL 0276-3605 1946-1615 Black Music Research Journal 0276-3605 70
2698 2698 Boletin del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino 0716-1530 0718-6894 Boletin del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino 0716-1530 0718-6894 70
2722 2722 BOREAS 0300-9483 1502-3885 Boreas 0300-9483 1502-3885 70
2742 2742 BRAC-Barcelona Research Art Creation 2014-8992 2014-8992 70
2812 2812 British Catholic History 2055-7973 2055-7981 British Catholic History 2055-7973 2055-7981 70
2824 2824 British Journal of Canadian Studies 0269-9222 1757-8078 British Journal of Canadian Studies 0269-9222 1757-8078 70
2844 2844 British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 1353-0194 1469-3542 British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 1353-0194 1469-3542 70
2879 2879 Brumal-Research Journal on the Fantastic 2014-7910 2014-7910 Brumal 2014-7910 70
2981 2981 BULLETIN OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES-UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 0041-977X 1474-0699 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 0041-977X 1474-0699 70
3017 3017 BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES 0307-0131 1749-625X Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 70
3074 3074 Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 0305-7674 2047-7716 70
3135 3135 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 1188-4517 2291-7063 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 1188-4517 70
3188 3188 Canadian Slavonic Papers 0008-5006 2375-2475 Canadian Slavonic Papers 0008-5006 70
3191 3191 CANADIAN THEATRE REVIEW 0315-0836 1920-941X Canadian Theatre Review 0315-0836 70
3235 3235 Capital and Class 0309-8168 2041-0980 Capital and Class 0309-8168 70
3241 3241 Caracteres-Estudios Culturales y Criticos de la Esfera Digital 2254-4496 2254-4496 70
3340 3340 Catholic Social Science Review 1091-0905 1944-6292 70
3351 3351 Celebrity Studies 1939-2397 1939-2400 Celebrity Studies 1939-2397 1939-2400 70
3407 3407 CENTAURUS 0008-8994 1600-0498 Centaurus 0008-8994 1600-0498 70
3410 3410 CENTRAL ASIATIC JOURNAL 0008-9192 Central Asiatic Journal 0008-9192 70
3537 3537 CHILD & YOUTH CARE FORUM 1053-1890 1573-3319 Child and Youth Care Forum 1053-1890 1573-3319 70
3559 3559 Children & Society 0951-0605 1099-0860 Children and Society 0951-0605 1099-0860 70
3586 3586 China Perspectives 2070-3449 1996-4617 China Perspectives 2070-3449 70
3611 3611 Chinese Journal of Communication 1754-4750 1754-4769 Chinese Journal of Communication 1754-4750 1754-4769 70
3666 3666 Church History and Religious Culture 1871-241X 1871-2428 Church History and Religious Culture 1871-241X 1871-2428 70
3688 3688 Cine Documental 1852-4699 1852-4699 70
3689 3689 CINEASTE 0009-7004 0009-7004 70
3694 3694 Cinemas 1181-6945 1705-6500 70
3746 3746 CLASSICAL REVIEW 0009-840X 1464-3561 Classical Review 0009-840X 1464-3561 70
3763 3763 CLIMATE RESEARCH 0936-577X 1616-1572 Climate Research 0936-577X 1616-1572 70
3945 3945 Clothing Cultures 2050-0742 2050-0750 70
4028 4028 Colonial Latin American Review 1060-9164 1466-1802 Colonial Latin American Review 1060-9164 70
4050 4050 Common Knowledge 0961-754X 1538-4578 Common Knowledge 0961-754X 1538-4578 70
4057 4057 Communication & Sport 2167-4795 2167-4809 Communication and Sport 2167-4795 2167-4809 70
4058 4058 Communication and Critical-Cultural Studies 1479-1420 1479-4233 Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies 1479-1420 1479-4233 70
4063 4063 Communication Methods and Measures 1931-2458 1931-2466 Communication Methods and Measures 1931-2458 1931-2466 70
4071 4071 Communication Review 1071-4421 1547-7487 Communication Review 1071-4421 70
4073 4073 Communication Studies 1051-0974 1745-1035 Communication Studies 1051-0974 1745-1035 70
4106 4106 Communications-European Journal of Communication Research 0341-2059 1613-4087 Communications 0341-2059 1613-4087 70
4109 4109 COMMUNIST AND POST-COMMUNIST STUDIES 0967-067X 1873-6920 Communist and Post-Communist Studies 0967-067X 70
4132 4132 COMPARATIVE DRAMA 0010-4078 1936-1637 Comparative Drama 0010-4078 70
4150 4150 Comparative Studies of South Asia Africa and the Middle East 1089-201X 1548-226X Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 1089-201X 1548-226X 70
4308 4308 CONFLUENCIA-REVISTA HISPANICA DE CULTURA Y LITERATURA 0888-6091 2328-6962 Confluencia 0888-6091 70
4324 4324 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 70
4355 4355 Contemporary Buddhism 1463-9947 1476-7953 Contemporary Buddhism 1463-9947 70
4366 4366 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH AND FRANCOPHONE STUDIES 1740-9292 1740-9306 Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 1740-9292 70
4367 4367 Contemporary Islam-Dynamics of Muslim Life 1872-0218 1872-0226 Contemporary Islam 1872-0218 1872-0226 70
4380 4380 Contemporary Social Science 2158-2041 2158-205X Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences 2158-2041 2158-205X 70
4396 4396 Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 1030-4312 1469-3666 Continuum 1030-4312 1469-3666 70
4402 4402 CONTRIBUTIONS TO INDIAN SOCIOLOGY 0069-9667 0973-0648 Contributions to Indian Sociology 0069-9667 70
4409 4409 Convergence-The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 1354-8565 1748-7382 Convergence 1354-8565 1748-7382 70
4448 4448 Costume-The Journal of the Costume Society 0590-8876 1749-6306 Costume 0590-8876 70
4449 4449 Counseling and Values 0160-7960 2161-007X Counseling and Values 0160-7960 70
4464 4464 CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL 1040-0419 1532-6934 Creativity Research Journal 1040-0419 1532-6934 70
4469 4469 Crime Media Culture 1741-6590 1741-6604 Crime, Media, Culture 1741-6590 70
4497 4497 Critical Discourse Studies 1740-5904 1740-5912 Critical Discourse Studies 1740-5904 1740-5912 70
4505 4505 Critical Philosophy of Race 2165-8684 2165-8692 Critical Philosophy of Race 2165-8684 2165-8692 70
4530 4530 CRITICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA COMMUNICATION 1529-5036 1479-5809 Critical Studies in Media Communication 1529-5036 70
4531 4531 Critical Studies in Television 1749-6020 1749-6039 Critical Studies in Television 1749-6020 1749-6039 70
4533 4533 Critical Survey 0011-1570 1752-2293 Critical Survey 0011-1570 1752-2293 70
4556 4556 Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 2059-5794 2059-5794 Cross Cultural and Strategic Management 2059-5794 70
4558 4558 CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH 1069-3971 1552-3578 Cross-Cultural Research 1069-3971 70
4560 4560 CR-THE NEW CENTENNIAL REVIEW 1532-687X 1539-6630 CR: The New Centennial Review 1532-687X 1539-6630 70
4617 4617 CUADERNOS HISPANOAMERICANOS 0011-250X Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 0011-250X 70
4643 4643 Cultural Sociology 1749-9755 1749-9763 Cultural Sociology 1749-9755 1749-9763 70
4645 4645 Cultural Studies of Science Education 1871-1502 1871-1510 Cultural Studies of Science Education 1871-1502 70
4648 4648 Cultural Trends 0954-8963 1469-3690 Cultural Trends 0954-8963 1469-3690 70
4651 4651 Culture & History Digital Journal 2253-797X 2253-797X Culture and History Digital Journal 2253-797X 70
4653 4653 Culture Agriculture Food and Environment 2153-9553 2153-9561 Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 2153-9553 70
4654 4654 Culture and Organization 1475-9551 1477-2760 Culture and Organization 1475-9551 1477-2760 70
4658 4658 CULTURE MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY 0165-005X 1573-076X Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 0165-005X 1573-076X 70
4826 4826 Currents in Biblical Research 1476-993X 1745-5200 70
4894 4894 DEATH STUDIES 0748-1187 1091-7683 Death Studies 0748-1187 1091-7683 70
4962 4962 Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 70
4989 4989 Development Southern Africa 0376-835X 1470-3637 Development Southern Africa 0376-835X 1470-3637 70
5041 5042 DIALECTICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 0304-4092 1573-0786 Dialectical Anthropology 0304-4092 70
5080 5081 DIGITAL CREATIVITY 1462-6268 1744-3806 Digital Creativity 1462-6268 70
5083 5084 Digital Humanities Quarterly 1938-4122 1938-4122 Digital Humanities Quarterly 1938-4122 70
5104 5105 DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION 0963-8288 1464-5165 Disability and Rehabilitation 0963-8288 1464-5165 70
5105 5106 Disability and Rehabilitation-Assistive Technology 1748-3107 1748-3115 Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology 1748-3115 70
5109 5110 Discourse & Communication 1750-4813 1750-4821 Discourse and Communication 1750-4813 70
5111 5112 Discourse Context & Media 2211-6958 Discourse, Context and Media 2211-6958 70
5182 5183 DREAMING 1053-0797 1573-3351 Dreaming 1053-0797 70
5249 5250 Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 70
5255 5256 Early Popular Visual Culture 1746-0654 1746-0662 Early Popular Visual Culture 1746-0654 70
5257 5258 Early Theatre 1206-9078 1206-9078 70
5282 5283 East Asian Publishing and Society 2210-6278 2210-6286 East Asian Publishing and Society 2210-6278 2210-6286 70
5285 5286 East European Jewish Affairs 1350-1674 1743-971X East European Jewish Affairs 1350-1674 1743-971X 70
5302 5303 Ecclesiastical Law Journal 0956-618X 1751-8539 Ecclesiastical Law Journal 0956-618X 1751-8539 70
5356 5357 ECONOMIC BOTANY 0013-0001 1874-9364 Economic Botany 0013-0001 70
5432 5433 EDUCATION AND URBAN SOCIETY 0013-1245 1552-3535 Education and Urban Society 0013-1245 70
5472 5473 EDUCATIONAL STUDIES 0305-5698 1465-3400 Educational Studies 0305-5698 1465-3400 70
5474 5475 Educational Studies-AESA 0013-1946 1532-6993 70
5529 5530 Ekonomika Regiona-Economy of Region 2072-6414 2411-1406 Economy of Region 2072-6414 70
5752 5753 ENTERPRISE & SOCIETY 1467-2227 1467-2235 Enterprise and Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 70
5778 5779 ENVIRONMENT AND HISTORY 0967-3407 1752-7023 Environment and History 0967-3407 70
5801 5802 Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture 1752-4032 1752-4040 Environmental Communication 1752-4032 70
5822 5823 Environmental Humanities 2201-1919 2201-1919 70
5855 5856 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES 0963-2719 1752-7015 Environmental Values 0963-2719 70
5900 5901 Equality Diversity and Inclusion 2040-7149 2040-7157 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 2040-7149 1758-7093 70
5949 5950 ESPRIT 0014-0759 2111-4579 Esprit 0014-0759 70
5955 5956 Estetika-The Central European Journal of Aesthetics 0014-1291 0014-1291 Estetika : The Central European Journal of Aesthetics 0014-1291 70
5994 5995 Estudos de Religiao 0103-801X 2176-1078 70
5995 5996 ESTUDOS IBERO-AMERICANOS 0101-4064 1980-864X Estudos Ibero-Americanos 0101-4064 1980-864X 70
6005 6006 Ethics and Education 1744-9642 1744-9650 Ethics and Education 1744-9642 1744-9650 70
6026 6027 Ethnopolitics 1744-9057 1744-9065 Ethnopolitics 1744-9057 70
6037 6038 Etnoloska Tribina 0351-1944 1848-9540 Etnoloska Tribina 0351-1944 70
6046 6047 Etudes Inuit Studies 0701-1008 0701-1008 Etudes / Inuit / Studies 0701-1008 70
6099 6100 European Comic Art 1754-3797 1754-3800 70
6128 6129 European Journal of American Studies 1991-9336 1991-9336 70
6167 6168 European Journal of English Studies 1382-5577 1744-4233 European Journal of English Studies 1382-5577 70
6217 6218 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MIGRATION AND LAW 1388-364X 1571-8166 European Journal of Migration and Law 1388-364X 1571-8166 70
6328 6329 European Review 1062-7987 1474-0575 European Review 1062-7987 1474-0575 70
6355 6356 EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES 0966-8136 1465-3427 Europe-Asia Studies 0966-8136 1465-3427 70
6392 6393 Exchange-Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 0166-2740 1572-543X Exchange 0166-2740 1572-543X 70
6499 6500 Families In Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 1044-3894 1945-1350 Families in Society 1044-3894 70
6500 6501 Families Relationships and Societies 2046-7435 2046-7443 Families, Relationships and Societies 2046-7435 2046-7443 70
6502 6503 FAMILY & COMMUNITY HEALTH 0160-6379 1550-5057 Family and Community Health 0160-6379 1550-5057 70
6509 6510 Family Matters 1030-2646 1030-2646 Family Matters 1030-2646 70
6520 6521 Fascism 2211-6249 2211-6257 Fascism 2211-6249 2211-6257 70
6525 6526 Fashion Theory-The Journal of Dress Body & Culture 1362-704X 1751-7419 Fashion Theory – Journal of Dress Body and Culture 1362-704X 70
6538 6539 Feminist Legal Studies 0966-3622 1572-8455 Feminist Legal Studies 0966-3622 70
6540 6541 FEMINIST REVIEW 0141-7789 1466-4380 Feminist Review 0141-7789 1466-4380 70
6541 6542 FEMINIST STUDIES 0046-3663 2153-3873 Feminist Studies 0046-3663 70
6571 6572 FILM CRITICISM 0163-5069 0163-5069 Film Criticism 0163-5069 70
6572 6573 Film Fashion & Consumption 2044-2823 2044-2831 70
6649 6650 Focaal-Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 0920-1297 1558-5263 Focaal 0920-1297 1558-5263 70
6764 6765 Forum for World Literature Studies 1949-8519 2154-6711 Forum for World Literature Studies 1949-8519 70
6814 6815 FRENCH STUDIES 0016-1128 1468-2931 French Studies 0016-1128 70
6815 6816 French Studies Bulletin 0262-2750 1748-9180 French Studies Bulletin 0262-2750 1748-9180 70
6883 6884 Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 1673-7318 1673-7423 Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 1673-7318 1673-7423 70
6996 6997 Gender and Language 1747-6321 1747-633X Gender and Language 1747-6321 70
6998 6999 Gender Issues 1098-092X 1936-4717 Gender Issues 1098-092X 70
7190 7191 GERMAN QUARTERLY 0016-8831 1756-1183 The German Quarterly 0016-8831 70
7191 7192 GERMAN STUDIES REVIEW 0149-7952 2164-8646 German Studies Review 0149-7952 70
7206 7207 Gesture 1568-1475 1569-9773 Gesture 1568-1475 1569-9773 70
7268 7269 Global Media and Communication 1742-7665 1742-7673 Global Media and Communication 1742-7665 1742-7673 70
7273 7274 Global Policy 1758-5880 1758-5899 Global Policy 1758-5880 1758-5899 70
7283 7284 Globalizations 1474-7731 1474-774X Globalizations 1474-7731 70
7393 7394 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 0017-8039 1943-5061 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 0017-8039 70
7403 7404 HARVARD THEOLOGICAL REVIEW 0017-8160 1475-4517 Harvard Theological Review 0017-8160 1475-4517 70
7416 7417 HEALTH 1363-4593 1461-7196 Health 1363-4593 1461-7196 70
7438 7439 HEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH 0268-1153 1465-3648 Health Education Research 0268-1153 1465-3648 70
7461 7462 HEALTH RISK & SOCIETY 1369-8575 1469-8331 Health, Risk and Society 1369-8575 1469-8331 70
7496 7497 Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 2192-2276 2192-2284 70
7571 7572 Higher Education Policy 0952-8733 1740-3863 Higher Education Policy 0952-8733 1740-3863 70
7579 7580 Hipogrifo-Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro 2328-1308 2328-1308 Hipogrifo 2328-1308 70
7590 7591 Hispanic Research Journal-Iberian and Latin American Studies 1468-2737 1745-820X Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 70
7629 7630 Historical Materialism-Research in Critical Marxist Theory 1465-4466 1569-206X Historical Materialism 1465-4466 70
7634 7635 Historical Review-La Revue Historique 1790-3572 1791-7603 Historical Review 1790-3572 1791-7603 70
7670 7671 History of the Family 1081-602X 1873-5398 History of the Family 1081-602X 70
7671 7672 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SCIENCES 0952-6951 1461-720X History of the Human Sciences 0952-6951 70
7734 7735 HOUSING POLICY DEBATE 1051-1482 2152-050X Housing Policy Debate 1051-1482 70
7745 7746 HSE-Social and Education History 2014-3567 2014-3567 HSE Social and Education History 2014-3567 70
7759 7760 HUMAN ECOLOGY 0300-7839 1572-9915 Human Ecology 0300-7839 1572-9915 70
7760 7761 Human Ecology Review 1074-4827 1074-4827 Human Ecology Review 1074-4827 70
7775 7776 HUMAN ORGANIZATION 0018-7259 1938-3525 Human Organization 0018-7259 70
7801 7802 Humanitas-Portugal 0871-1569 0871-1569 Humanitas 0871-1569 2183-1718 70
7866 7867 Identity-An International Journal of Theory and Research 1528-3488 1532-706X Identity 1528-3488 1532-706X 70
8089 8090 Ilahiyat Studies-A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies 1309-1786 1309-1719 Ilahiyat Studies 1309-1719 70
8136 8137 Implicit Religion 1463-9955 1743-1697 Implicit Religion 1463-9955 1743-1697 70
8154 8155 India Review 1473-6489 1557-3036 India Review 1473-6489 70
8184 8185 Indian Journal of Gender Studies 0971-5215 0973-0672 Indian Journal of Gender Studies 0971-5215 70
8226 8227 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 0972-5938 0975-1068 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 0972-5938 0975-1068 70
8306 8307 Information & Culture 2164-8034 2166-3033 70
8328 8329 INFORMATION SOCIETY 0197-2243 1087-6537 Information Society 0197-2243 1087-6537 70
8453 8454 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1464-9373 1469-8447 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1464-9373 1469-8447 70
8456 8457 Intercultural Education 1467-5986 1469-8439 Intercultural Education 1467-5986 1469-8439 70
8471 8472 Interfaces Brasil-Canada 1519-0994 1984-5677 70
8473 8474 Interiors-Design Architecture Culture 2041-9112 2041-9120 Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture 2041-9112 2041-9120 70
8506 8507 International Communication Gazette 1748-0485 1748-0493 International Communication Gazette 1748-0485 1748-0493 70
8526 8527 International Feminist Journal of Politics 1461-6742 1468-4470 International Feminist Journal of Politics 1461-6742 70
8757 8758 International Journal of Conflict and Violence 1864-1385 1864-1385 International Journal of Conflict and Violence 1864-1385 70
8776 8777 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1470-5958 1741-2838 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1470-5958 1741-2838 70
8779 8780 International Journal of Cultural Property 0940-7391 1465-7317 International Journal of Cultural Property 0940-7391 70
8837 8838 International Journal of Educational Research 0883-0355 International Journal of Educational Research 0883-0355 70
8881 8882 International Journal of English Studies 1578-7044 1989-6131 International Journal of English Studies 1578-7044 70
8931 8932 International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266 1756-6274 International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266 70
8981 8982 International Journal of Hindu Studies 1022-4556 1574-9282 International Journal of Hindu Studies 1022-4556 1574-9282 70
9061 9062 International Journal of Islamic Architecture 2045-5895 2045-5909 International Journal of Islamic Architecture 2045-5895 2045-5909 70
9067 9068 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2040-4468 2040-4476 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2040-4468 2040-4476 70
9076 9077 International Journal of Law Policy and the Family 1360-9939 1464-3707 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1360-9939 70
9117 9118 International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 1740-8296 2040-0918 International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 1740-8296 70
9138 9139 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES 0020-7438 1471-6380 International Journal of Middle East Studies 0020-7438 1471-6380 70
9139 9140 International Journal of Migration Health and Social Care 1747-9894 2042-8650 International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 1747-9894 2042-8650 70
9144 9145 International Journal of Mobile Communications 1470-949X 1741-5217 International Journal of Mobile Communications 1470-949X 1741-5217 70
9262 9263 International Journal of Politics Culture and Society 0891-4486 1573-3416 International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 0891-4486 1573-3416 70
9310 9311 International Journal of Refugee Law 0953-8186 1464-3715 International Journal of Refugee Law 0953-8186 1464-3715 70
9517 9518 INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW 0160-0176 1552-6925 International Regional Science Review 0160-0176 70
9539 9540 International Review of Mission 0020-8582 1758-6631 International Review of Mission 0020-8582 70
9611 9612 Interventions-International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 1369-801X 1469-929X Interventions 1369-801X 70
9649 9650 Iran and the Caucasus 1609-8498 1573-384X Iran and the Caucasus 1609-8498 70
9686 9687 Iranian Studies 0021-0862 1475-4819 Iranian Studies 0021-0862 70
9700 9701 Irish Studies Review 0967-0882 1469-9303 Irish Studies Review 0967-0882 70
9714 9715 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 0959-6410 1469-9311 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 0959-6410 1469-9311 70
9715 9716 Islamic Africa 2154-0993 2154-0993 Islamic Africa 2333-262X 2154-0993 70
9716 9717 Islamic Law and Society 0928-9380 1568-5195 Islamic Law and Society 0928-9380 70
9717 9718 ISLAM-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESCHICHTE UND KULTUR DES ISLAMISCHEN ORIENTS 0021-1818 1613-0928 Islam – Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients 0021-1818 1613-0928 70
9775 9776 Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 70
9776 9777 Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X Italianist 0261-4340 70
9783 9784 Itinerario-International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction 0165-1153 2041-2827 Itinerario 0165-1153 2041-2827 70
9830 9831 Japan Journal of Nursing Science 1742-7932 1742-7924 Japan Journal of Nursing Science 1742-7932 1742-7924 70
9871 9873 JEWISH SOCIAL STUDIES 0021-6704 1527-2028 Jewish Social Studies 0021-6704 1527-2028 70
9872 9874 Jewish Studies Quarterly 0944-5706 1868-6788 70
9935 9937 Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 2047-704X 2047-7058 Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 2047-704X 2047-7058 70
9936 9938 Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion 2049-7555 2049-7563 70
9944 9946 Journal for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture 1749-4907 1749-4915 Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 1749-4907 70
9951 9953 Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 0951-8207 1745-5286 Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 0951-8207 1745-5286 70
9967 9969 Journal of Academic Ethics 1570-1727 1572-8544 Journal of Academic Ethics 1570-1727 70
10039 10041 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ECONOMIES 0963-8024 1464-3723 Journal of African Economies 0963-8024 1464-3723 70
10043 10045 Journal of African Media Studies 2040-199X 1751-7974 Journal of African Media Studies 2040-199X 1751-7974 70
10091 10093 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CULTURE 1542-7331 1542-734X The Journal of American Culture 1542-7331 1542-734X 70
10092 10094 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ETHNIC HISTORY 0278-5927 1936-4695 Journal of American Ethnic History 0278-5927 70
10093 10095 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE 0021-8715 1535-1882 Journal of American Folklore 0021-8715 1535-1882 70
10095 10097 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES 0021-8758 1469-5154 Journal of American Studies 0021-8758 1469-5154 70
10109 10111 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 1569-2116 1569-2124 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 1569-2116 70
10121 10123 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH 0091-7710 2153-3806 Journal of Anthropological Research 0091-7710 70
10221 10223 JOURNAL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT LAW AND SOCIETY 1063-2921 1930-7799 Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society 1063-2921 70
10256 10258 Journal of Australian Studies 1444-3058 1835-6419 Journal of Australian Studies 1444-3058 0314-769X 70
10266 10268 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 1944-8953 1944-8961 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 1944-8953 1944-8961 70
10337 10339 Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 1552-4558 The Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 70
10338 10340 JOURNAL OF BLACK STUDIES 0021-9347 1552-4566 Journal of Black Studies 0021-9347 70
10345 10347 Journal of Borderlands Studies 0886-5655 2159-1229 Journal of Borderlands Studies 0886-5655 70
10352 10354 Journal of British Cinema and Television 1743-4521 1755-1714 Journal of British Cinema and Television 1743-4521 1755-1714 70
10452 10454 Journal of Child and Family Studies 1062-1024 1573-2843 Journal of Child and Family Studies 1062-1024 1573-2843 70
10471 10473 Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 2329-0048 2329-0056 70
10482 10484 JOURNAL OF CHURCH AND STATE 0021-969X 2040-4867 Journal of Church and State 0021-969X 70
10487 10489 Journal of Classical Sociology 1468-795X 1741-2897 Journal of Classical Sociology 1468-795X 70
10545 10547 Journal of Cognition and Culture 1567-7095 1568-5373 Journal of Cognition and Culture 1567-7095 70
10554 10556 Journal of Cold War Studies 1520-3972 1531-3298 Journal of Cold War Studies 1520-3972 70
10644 10646 Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies 2049-4572 1364-0429 70
10669 10671 Journal of Contemporary European Research 1815-347X 1815-347X Journal of Contemporary European Research 1815-347X 70
10732 10734 Journal of Cultural Geography 0887-3631 1940-6320 Journal of Cultural Geography 0887-3631 70
10745 10747 Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices 1757-1871 1757-188X Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices 1757-1871 1757-188X 70
10828 10830 JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS 0925-8558 1572-8560 Journal of East Asian Linguistics 0925-8558 1572-8560 70
10829 10831 Journal of East Asian Studies 1598-2408 2234-6643 Journal of East Asian Studies 1598-2408 70
10886 10888 JOURNAL OF EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY 0307-5133 2514-0582 Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 0307-5133 70
10928 10930 Journal of Empirical Theology 0922-2936 1570-9256 Journal of Empirical Theology 0922-2936 1570-9256 70
11072 11074 Journal of Family and Economic Issues 1058-0476 1573-3475 Journal of Family and Economic Issues 1058-0476 1573-3475 70
11075 11077 Journal of Family Communication 1526-7431 1532-7698 Journal of Family Communication 1526-7431 1532-7698 70
11084 11086 Journal of Family Studies 1322-9400 1839-3543 Journal of Family Studies 1322-9400 70
11085 11087 Journal of Family Theory & Review 1756-2570 1756-2589 Journal of Family Theory and Review 1756-2570 1756-2589 70
11092 11094 JOURNAL OF FEMINIST STUDIES IN RELIGION 8755-4178 1553-3913 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 8755-4178 1553-3913 70
11098 11100 JOURNAL OF FILM AND VIDEO 0742-4671 1934-6018 Journal of Film and Video 0742-4671 70
11132 11134 JOURNAL OF FOLKLORE RESEARCH 0737-7037 1543-0413 Journal of Folklore Research 0737-7037 1543-0413 70
11192 11194 Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 1053-8720 1540-4056 Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services 1053-8720 70
11194 11196 JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES 0958-9236 1465-3869 Journal of Gender Studies 0958-9236 1465-3869 70
11246 11248 Journal of GLBT Family Studies 1550-428X 1550-4298 Journal of GLBT Family Studies 1550-428X 1550-4298 70
11314 11316 Journal of Heritage Tourism 1743-873X 1747-6631 Journal of Heritage Tourism 1743-873X 1747-6631 70
11324 11326 Journal of Hindu Studies 1756-4255 1756-4263 Journal of Hindu Studies 1756-4255 1756-4263 70
11339 11341 JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY 0091-8369 1540-3602 Journal of Homosexuality 0091-8369 70
11352 11354 JOURNAL OF HOUSING ECONOMICS 1051-1377 1096-0791 Journal of Housing Economics 1051-1377 1096-0791 70
11389 11391 Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 1326-0219 2151-9668 Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 1326-0219 2151-9668 70
11399 11401 Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 1556-2948 1556-2956 Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 1556-2948 1556-2956 70
11514 11516 Journal of Interior Design 1071-7641 1939-1668 Journal of Interior Design 1071-7641 70
11537 11539 Journal of International Migration and Integration 1488-3473 1874-6365 Journal of International Migration and Integration 1488-3473 70
11570 11572 Journal of Islamic Archaeology 2051-9710 2051-9729 Journal of Islamic Archaeology 2051-9710 2051-9729 70
11573 11575 Journal of Islamic Studies 0955-2340 1471-6917 Journal of Islamic Studies 0955-2340 1471-6917 70
11581 11583 JOURNAL OF JAPANESE STUDIES 0095-6848 1549-4721 Journal of Japanese Studies 0095-6848 1549-4721 70
11582 11584 Journal of Jesuit Studies 2214-1324 2214-1332 Journal of Jesuit Studies 2214-1324 2214-1332 70
11583 11585 Journal of Jewish Education 1524-4113 1554-611X Journal of Jewish Education 1524-4113 1554-611X 70
11585 11587 JOURNAL OF JEWISH STUDIES 0022-2097 0022-2097 Journal of Jewish Studies 0022-2097 70
11586 11588 JOURNAL OF JEWISH THOUGHT & PHILOSOPHY 1053-699X Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 1053-699X 1477-285X 70
11601 11603 Journal of Korean Studies 0731-1613 2158-1665 Journal of Korean Studies 0731-1613 70
11614 11616 JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 0261-927X 1552-6526 Journal of Language and Social Psychology 0261-927X 70
11627 11629 Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 1356-9325 1469-9575 Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 1356-9325 1469-9575 70
11631 11633 Journal of Latinos and Education 1534-8431 1532-771X Journal of Latinos and Education 1534-8431 70
11635 11637 Journal of Law and Religion 0748-0814 2163-3088 The Journal of Law and Religion 0748-0814 70
11658 11660 Journal of Levantine Studies 2222-9973 2222-9981 70
11660 11662 Journal of LGBT Youth 1936-1653 1936-1661 Journal of LGBT Youth 1936-1653 70
11801 11803 Journal of Media and Religion 1534-8423 1534-8415 Journal of Media and Religion 1534-8423 1534-8415 70
11842 11844 Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 1947-6566 2153-9650 Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 1947-6566 2153-9650 70
11870 11872 Journal of Middle East Womens Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 1552-5864 70
11885 11887 JOURNAL OF MODERN AFRICAN STUDIES 0022-278X 1469-7777 Journal of Modern African Studies 0022-278X 1469-7777 70
11893 11895 JOURNAL OF MODERN ITALIAN STUDIES 1354-571X 1469-9583 Journal of Modern Italian Studies 1354-571X 70
11932 11934 Journal of Multicultural Discourses 1744-7143 1747-6615 Journal of Multicultural Discourses 1744-7143 1747-6615 70
11934 11936 JOURNAL OF MULTILINGUAL AND MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT 0143-4632 1747-7557 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 0143-4632 70
11946 11948 JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGICAL RESEARCH 0141-1896 1547-7304 Journal of Musicological Research 0141-1896 70
11947 11949 JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY 0277-9269 Journal of Musicology 0277-9269 70
11949 11951 Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 1360-2004 1469-9591 Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 1360-2004 70
12044 12046 Journal of North African Studies 1362-9387 1743-9345 Journal of North African Studies 1362-9387 70
12045 12047 Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 0259-0131 0259-0131 70
12135 12137 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT 0953-4814 1758-7816 Journal of Organizational Change Management 0953-4814 70
12223 12225 Journal of Pentecostal Theology 0966-7369 1745-5251 Journal of Pentecostal Theology 0966-7369 1745-5251 70
12357 12359 Journal of Popular Music Studies 1524-2226 1533-1598 Journal of Popular Music Studies 1524-2226 1533-1598 70
12409 12411 Journal of Property Research 0959-9916 1466-4453 Journal of Property Research 0959-9916 1466-4453 70
12470 12472 Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2197-3792 2196-8837 Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 2196-8837 70
12474 12476 Journal of Radio & Audio Media 1937-6529 1937-6537 Journal of Radio and Audio Media 1937-6529 1937-6537 70
12504 12506 Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 1703-289X 1703-289X Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 1703-289X 70
12511 12513 Journal of Religious Education 1442-018X 2199-4625 70
12528 12530 Journal of Research in Education Sciences 2073-753X 2073-753X Journal of Research in Education Sciences 2073-753X 70
12676 12678 Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1741 0973-1733 Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1741 70
12679 12681 JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN STUDIES 0305-7070 1465-3893 Journal of Southern African Studies 0305-7070 1465-3893 70
12696 12698 Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 1934-9637 1934-9645 Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 1934-9637 1934-9645 70
12742 12744 Journal of Sufi Studies 2210-5948 2210-5956 Journal of Sufi Studies 2210-5948 2210-5956 70
12914 12916 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY 1043-4070 1535-3605 70
12915 12917 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 0022-5061 1520-6696 Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 0022-5061 1520-6696 70
12969 12971 Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa 1812-1004 2070-626X Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa 1812-1004 2070-626X 70
12993 12995 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY 1356-1863 1474-0591 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1356-1863 70
12998 13000 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND 0303-6758 1175-8899 Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 0303-6758 70
13017 13019 JOURNAL OF THE SOUTHWEST 0894-8410 2158-1371 Journal of the Southwest 0894-8410 70
13033 13035 Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 1068-8471 2151-3341 Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 1068-8471 70
13062 13064 Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 1476-6825 1747-7654 Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 1476-6825 70
13083 13085 Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 70
13116 13118 Journal of Urban Design 1357-4809 1469-9664 Journal of Urban Design 1357-4809 1469-9664 70
13120 13122 JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY 0096-1442 1552-6771 Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 70
13122 13124 JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 0733-9488 1943-5444 Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE 0733-9488 70
13180 13182 Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 Journal of War and Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 70
13199 13201 Journal of Women Politics & Policy 1554-477X 1554-4788 Journal of Women, Politics and Policy 1554-477X 70
13201 13203 JOURNAL OF WOMENS HISTORY 1042-7961 1527-2036 Journal of women’s history 1042-7961 1527-2036 70
13250 13252 Judaica Bohemiae 0022-5738 0022-5738 Judaica Bohemiae 0022-5738 70
13264 13266 Jurnal Komunikasi-Malaysian Journal of Communication 2289-151X 2289-1528 Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication 2289-151X 2289-1528 70
13275 13277 Kajian Malaysia 2180-4273 2180-4273 Kajian Malaysia 0127-4082 2180-4273 70
13339 13341 KOREA JOURNAL 0023-3900 0023-3900 Korea Journal 0023-3900 70
13376 13378 KronoScope-Journal for the Study of Time 1568-5241 1568-5241 KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 1567-715X 1568-5241 70
13381 13383 Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi 1406-2860 Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi 1406-2860 70
13383 13385 Kurdish Studies 2051-4883 2051-4891 Kurdish Studies 2051-4883 2051-4891 70
13387 13389 Kwartalnik Historii Żydow-Jewish History Quarterly 1899-3044 1899-3044 70
13461 13463 Language and Sociocultural Theory 2051-9699 2051-9702 Language and Sociocultural Theory 2051-9699 2051-9702 70
13516 13518 LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH REVIEW 0023-8791 1542-4278 Latin American Research Review 0023-8791 1542-4278 70
13519 13521 Latino Studies 1476-3435 1476-3443 Latino Studies 1476-3435 1476-3443 70
13532 13534 Law and Humanities 1752-1483 1752-1491 Law and Humanities 1752-1483 1752-1491 70
13558 13560 Learning Culture and Social Interaction 2210-6561 Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 2210-6561 70
13568 13570 LEGACY 0748-4321 0748-4321 Legacy 0748-4321 70
13588 13590 LEONARDO 0024-094X 1530-9282 Leonardo 0024-094X 70
13637 13639 Life Writing 1448-4528 1751-2964 Life Writing 1448-4528 70
13708 13710 Literature and Theology 0269-1205 1477-4623 Literature and Theology 0269-1205 70
13745 13747 Logos 0869-5377 0869-5377 Logos (Russian Federation) 0869-5377 2499-9628 70
13750 13752 Logos-Journal of the World Publishing Community 0957-9656 1878-4712 Logos (Netherlands) 0957-9656 1878-4712 70
13752 13754 Logos-Vilnius 0868-7692 Logos (Lithuania) 0868-7692 70
13863 13865 Management and Organization Review 1740-8776 1740-8784 Management and Organization Review 1740-8776 1740-8784 70
13943 13945 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY REVIEW 0149-4929 1540-9635 Marriage and Family Review 0149-4929 1540-9635 70
13956 13958 Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 70
14112 14114 Media and Communication 2183-2439 2183-2439 Media and Communication 2183-2439 70
14114 14116 Media History 1368-8804 1469-9729 Media History 1368-8804 70
14128 14130 MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY QUARTERLY 0745-5194 1548-1387 Medical Anthropology Quarterly 0745-5194 70
14202 14204 Mediterranean Studies 1074-164X 2161-4741 Mediterranean Studies 1074-164X 2161-4741 70
14231 14233 MEMORY 0965-8211 1464-0686 Memory 0965-8211 1464-0686 70
14310 14312 MEXICAN STUDIES-ESTUDIOS MEXICANOS 0742-9797 Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 0742-9797 70
14365 14367 Middle East Critique 1943-6149 1943-6157 Middle East Critique 1943-6149 1943-6157 70
14368 14370 MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL 0026-3141 1940-3461 The Middle East Journal 0026-3141 70
14370 14372 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 1873-9857 1873-9865 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 1873-9857 70
14372 14374 Middle East Law and Governance 1876-3367 1876-3375 Middle East Law and Governance 1876-3367 1876-3375 70
14373 14375 MIDDLE EAST POLICY 1061-1924 1475-4967 Middle East Policy 1061-1924 1475-4967 70
14380 14382 Migraciones 1138-5774 2341-0833 Migraciones 1138-5774 70
14399 14401 Mind Culture and Activity 1074-9039 1532-7884 Mind, Culture, and Activity 1074-9039 70
14448 14450 Miscellanea Geographica 0867-6046 2084-6118 Miscellanea Geographica 0867-6046 70
14486 14488 MODERN ASIAN STUDIES 0026-749X 1469-8099 Modern Asian Studies 0026-749X 1469-8099 70
14488 14490 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 1520-9857 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 1520-9857 70
14491 14493 Modern Italy 1353-2944 1469-9877 Modern Italy 1353-2944 1469-9877 70
14613 14615 MOREANA 0047-8105 2398-4961 Moreana 0047-8105 70
14647 14649 Multicultural Perspectives 1521-0960 1532-7892 Multicultural Perspectives 1521-0960 1532-7892 70
14676 14678 Museums & Social Issues-A Journal of Reflective Discourse 1559-6893 2051-6193 Museums and Social Issues 1559-6893 2051-6193 70
14679 14681 Music Education Research 1461-3808 1469-9893 Music Education Research 1461-3808 1469-9893 70
14681 14683 Music Sound and the Moving Image 1753-0768 1753-0776