The book is dedicated to a study of consequences of selected methodological and theoretical
concepts used and formulated by historians for the general theory of culture. The issues discussed include the concepts of mentality and the cultural image of the world, relationships between cultural, social and georafical and the theory of change and diachronic proccesses. The author has chose to narrow the scope of bibliographical referrences, disccussing lesser number of concepts but in extended way.
ISBN: 978-83-62243-21-1
113 stron, format A5
Seria wydawnicza „Cultural Theory and History”
Krzysztof Moraczewski, Cultural Theory and History: Theoretical Issues
Dorota Jewdokimow, Karolina Kizińska, Cultural Theory and History: Sign and Context
Magdalena Kamińska, Olga Urban, Cultural Theory and History: Innovation and Subjectivity
Andrzej Bełkot, Stanisław Kandulski, Marta Kosińska, Cultural Theory and History: The Change and Everyday Life